Hi, my name is Donny

I'm a curious, passionate iOS Developer from The Netherlands who loves learning and sharing knowledge.

Take a look at my books

Practical Swift Concurrency cover

Practical Swift Concurrency

Learn everything you need to know to make optimal use of Swift Concurrency in your applications. This book covers everything from awaiting asynchronous method calls to building your own highly concurrent systems. It’s a great introduction for those looking to familiarize themselves with everything Swift Concurrency has to offer.

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Practical Combine thumb

Practical Combine

Practical Combine is a book aimed at intermediate to advanced developers who want to learn more about Apple's Combine framework. This book takes you all the way from the basics to building custom Combine publishers using Practical, useful examples that you can start using immediately.

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Practical Core Data thumb

Practical Core Data

Practical Core Data is for intermediate to advanced developers who want to learn more about Core Data. Whether you're new to Core Data, or tried using it years ago, you'll find that Practical Core Data introduces you to all the essentials to get you up and running with the framework.

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How to plan a migration to Swift 6

March 6, 2025

Swift 6 has been available to us for the better part of a year now, and more and more teams are considering or looking at migrating to the Swift 6 language mode. This typically involves trying to turn on the language mode or turning on strict concurrency, seeing a whole bunch of warnings or errors, and then deciding that today is not the day to proceed with this migration. Today I would like to propose an approach to how you...


What’s new in Swift 6.1?

February 27, 2025

The Xcode 16.3 beta is out, which includes a new version of Swift. Swift 6.1 is a relatively small release that comes with bug fixes, quality of life improvements, and some features. In this post, I’d like to explore two of the new features that come with Swift 6.1. One that you can start using immediately, and one that you can opt-in on if it makes sense for you. The features I’d like to explore are the following: Changes to...


Why you should keep your git commits small and meaningful

February 19, 2025

When you're using Git for version control, you're already doing something great for your codebase: maintaining a clear history of changes at every point in time. This helps you rewind to a stable state, track how your code has evolved, and experiment with new ideas without fully committing to them right away. However, for many developers, Git is just another tool they have to use for work. They write a lot of code, make commits, and push their changes without...


Observing properties on an @Observable class outside of SwiftUI views

January 21, 2025

On iOS 17 and newer, you have access to the Observable macro. This macro can be applied to classes, and it allows SwiftUI to officially observe properties on an observable class. If you want to learn more about Observable or if you're looking for an introduction, definitely go ahead and check out my introduction to @Observable in SwiftUI. In this post, I would like to explore how you can observe properties on an observable class. While the ObservableObject protocol allowed...


Solving "Main actor-isolated property can not be referenced from a Sendable closure" in Swift

January 10, 2025

When you turn on strict concurrency checking or you start using the Swift 6 language mode, there will be situations where you run into an error that looks a little bit like the following: Main actor-isolated property can not be referenced from a Sendable closure What this error tells us is that we're trying to use something that we're only supposed to use on or from the main actor inside of a closure that's supposed to run pretty much anywhere....


Is 2025 the year to fully adopt Swift 6?

January 9, 2025

When Apple released Xcode 16 last year, they made the Swift 6 compiler available along with it. This means that we can create new projects using Swift 6 and its compile-time data race protections. However, the big question for many developers is: Is 2025 the right time to adopt Swift 6 fully, or should we stick with Swift 5 for now? In this post, I won’t give you a definitive answer. Instead, I’ll share my perspective and reasoning to help...