WWDC Notes: Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes

Meet async / await, explore structured concurrency, protect mutable state with actors should be watched first.

Threading model

Compares GCD to Swift. It’s not built on top of GCD. It’s a whole new thread pool.

GCD is very eager to bring up threads whenever we kick off work on queues. When a queue blocks its thread, a new thread will be spawned to handle work.

This means that the system can overcommit with more threads than there are CPU cores. This is also called Thread explosion and can lead to memory and performance issues.

There’s a lot of scheduling overhead during threads. There will likely be a ton of context switching which in turn will make the CPU run less efficiently.

Swift concurrency was designed to be more efficient than GCD.

The goal is to have no more threads than CPU cores. Instead, there are continuations that can be blocked. Instead of having the CPU context switch, the thread does this. It’s as simple as a method call so the overhead is much, much lower.

To make this happen, the language has to be able to guarantee that threads do not block through language features:

  • await and non-blocking of threads
  • Tracking of dependencies in Swift task model

Swift’s await does not block a thread like GCD’s sync does.

Every thread has a stack that keeps track of function calls. There are several stack frames. One for each function call. When a function returns, its stack frame is popped.

When an async function is called with await, it’s tracked as an async frame on the heap. The async frames keep track of state that’s needed when the awaited function returns. When another function is called, the topmost stack frame on the thread is replaced. Because async frames are stored on the heap, they can be put back on a thread and resumed. Async frames will be put back on the stack as needed. Calling sync code in an async fuck will add frames to the thread’s stack.

The block of code that runs after the await is called a continuation When execution should resume, the continuation is put back on a thread’s stack.

Interesting stuff, try to find out more and properly understand this.

Async work is modeled with tasks. Tasks can have child tasks. Tasks can only await other tasks in swifts. Awaited tasks are either continuations or child tasks.

Threads can track these task dependencies and they’ll know how to suspend tasks and schedule other work until the task can be resumed.

A cooperative thread pool is the default executor for Swift. The number of threads is limited to the number of CPU cores. Threads will always make forward progress and avoids thread explosion and excessive task switching.

Where with GCD you needed to be mindful of the number of queues you use, Swift concurrency ensures that you don’t have to worry about this anymore.

Concurrency always comes with a cost. It takes additional memory allocation and logic in the Swift runtime. Concurrency should only be used when its cost outweighs the cost of managing it.

For example, reading for user defaults is a super small task that should not be spawned into its own async task unless needed.

Measure performance to understand when you need concurrency.

await explicitly breaks atomicity because in the time between your await and calling the continuation, things might change. You should never hold locks across await. Thread specific data is also not preserved across await because you might resume on a different thread than the one you were suspended on.

The Swift language upholds the runtime contract that threads can always make forward progress. You have to make sure you don’t break this contract so the thread pool can do its best work.

  • Use primitives like await, actors, and task groups so the compiler can enforce the contract.
  • Locks can be used in sync code with caution. There’s no compiler support but does not break the contract as long as the thread is not fully blocked (for too long)
  • Semaphores and NSCondition are not safe to use. They hide dependency information from the runtime so it cannot schedule work correctly which might result in blocking.

Don’t use unsafe primitives to wait across task boundaries. Like for example using a semaphore in an async context. This is not save.

The LIBDISPATCH_COOPERATIVE_POOL_STRICT=1 environment variable will run the app under a debug runtime that enforces forward progress for thread.

Synchronization with Actors

Actors synchronize access to their state through mutual exclusion.

When using DispatchQueue.sync, a current thread can be reused when there’s no contention. When there is, DispatchQueue.sync is blocking and new threads are spawned.

When you use DispatchQueue.async, you’re non-blocking under contention, but a new thread is always spawned.

Swift Actors always reuse threads and are non-blocking. If the thread is free, code is run. If not, function is suspended and run later.

Serial queues can be replaced with actors to manage access.

When you switch between different actors, you are thread hopping. An actor can be suspended and threads can easily hop from a running actor to a currently suspended actor. The runtime can handle this by creating work items for the thread without spawning a new thread.

Actor work items can remain pending until an in progress work item is completed.

Actors are designed to allow the system to prioritize work.

Actor reentrancy means that an actor might have pending work when it schedules and executes new work items. This can happen if a task is awaiting something, and this other thing awaits something on the actor.

The main actor runs on the main thread. The main thread is separated from the rest of the threads in the cooperative pol.

When you hop on and off the main actor often, you force hopping from and to the mean thread. This is expensive. If this happens it’s better to bundle work and run a bigger task to update UI from the main actor. For that reason, it’s not adviced to jump onto an actor and away from the main actor for small bits of work (often).

WWDC Notes: Bring Core Data concurrency to Swift and SwiftUI

Persistence everywhere

Core Data takes care of many complexities to persist data. It converts in-memory graph to persisted data and takes care of all kinds of complex tasks like memory management.

Core Data works on all platforms, and it’s great in Swift. Apple’s been working to make Core Data better with Swift over the years.

Core Data has always cared about running code concurrently.

Swift concurrency

Sample app

The sample app loads data from the background and persist it. Eventually it updates the view context.

Insertion is done with bgctx.performAndWait() and a batch insert.

performAndWait will block the calling thread to run the provided code on the context’s thread. The perform function doesn’t block and runs the code on the contexts queue.

You can use await ctx.perform {} to suspend the current execution context, have Core Data run code on its queue, and hand back control. Its usage is the same but intent is clearer without blocking.

In iOS 15, perform is generic over the returned type of object and the supplied closure can throw. This is nice and inline with async / await .

try await ctx.perform {
  throw SomeError.case

We used to obtain results like this:

var count: Int!
ctx.perform {
  // configure a request with NSCountResultTyoe
  count = request.execute().last!

With async / await we can do:

let count = try await ctx.perform {
  // configure a request with NSCountResultTyoe
  return request.execute().last!  

This is much nicer to read and reason about.

Returning a managed object from a perform can be risky. When you return a managed object from perform it’s not save to interact with the returned object.

Instead, you should return a managed object ID or dict representation.

Perform is scheduled with .immediate by default. It behaves a lot like an async version of performAndWait.

If you use enqueued, the work is always added to the end of the queue of the context. Even if you’re already in the correct context.

Translation to async await:

  • performAndWait == await perform
  • perform == await perform(.enqueued)

NSPersistentContainer and NSPersistentStoreCoordinator can also perform work in their context and have received similar async features.

Existing debugging tools still work and should be used.

CloudKit sharing is new and Core Data spotlight integration is improved.

Persistent stores are where data is stored. Core Data supplies XML, Binary, In Memory, and SQLite. On iOS 14 and below we used long names. Now they’re Swfty. .xml, .sqlite, etc.

AttributeType is also improved.


@FetchRequest now has lazy entity resolution and they pick up dynamic configuration. There’s also a new sectioned fetch request.

Lazy entity resolution means you don’t have to set up the Core Data stack when creating your fetch request. Instead, it needs to be set up when the request is performed.

Predicates and Sort Descriptors can now be updated through properties on the wrapped value of the fetch request. Updating the property automatically reloads.

There’s also a new SortDescriptor type that’s easier to use.

@SectionedFetchRequest takes a sectionIdentifier that’s used to determine which section items are in. This fetch request returns a 2D array that represents sections with items for a section as its nested result.

The sectionIdentifier key path can be dynamically adjusted as well.

When changing a sortDescriptor, you might have to change the sectionIdentifier too.

WWDC Notes: Discover concurrency in SwiftUI

When performing slow work, you might dispatch off of the main queue. Updating an observable object off of the main queue could result in this updating colliding with a “tick” of the run loop. This means that SwiftUI receive an objectWillChange, and attempt to redraw UI before the underlying value is updated.

This will lead to SwiftUI thinking that your model is in one state, but it’s in the next.

SwiftUI needs to have objectWillChange->stateChange->runloop tick in this exact order.

Running your update on the main actor (or main queue pre async/await) will ensure that the state change is completed before the runloop tick since the operation would be atomic.

You can use await to ensure this. Doing this is called yielding (to) the main actor.

When you’re on the main actor and you call a function with await, you yield the actor, allowing it to do other work. The work is then performed by a different actor. When this work completes, control is handed back to the main actor where it will update state:

class Photos: ObservableObject {
  @Pulished var items: [SpacePhoto] = []

  func update() async {
    let fetched = await fetch() // yields main actor
    items = fetched // done on the main actor

There’s currently guarantee that item is always accessed on the main actor. To make this guarantee, class Photos needs the @MainActor annotation.

The task modifier on a SwiftUI is used to run an async task on creation. It’s called at the same point in the lifecycle as onAppear.

Since task is tied to the view’s lifecycle, you can await an async sequence’s elements in task and rest assured that everything is cancelled and cleaned up when the view’s lifecycle ends.

Button methods in SwiftUI are synchronous. To launch an async task from a button handler, use async {} (will be renamed to Task.init) and await your async work.

Button("Save") {
  async {
    isSaving = true
    await model.save()
    isSaving = false

In this button isSaving is mutated on the main actor. async (or Task.init) runs its task attached to the current actor. In a SwiftUI view, this would be the main actor. await will yield the main actor and run code on whatever actor model.save() runs until control is yielded back to the main actor.

The .refreshable modifier on SwiftUI takes an async closure. You can await an update operation in there. This modifier will, by default, use a pull to refresh control.

SwiftUI integrates nicely with async / await and asynchronous functions.

It’s recommended to mark ObservableObject with @MainActor to ensure that their property access and mutations are done savely on the main actor.

WWDC Notes: Meet AsyncSequence

Map, filter, reduce, dropFirst all work in async sequences:

for try await someThing in async.dropFirst() {

For example.

AsyncSequence suspends on each element and receives values asynchronously from the iterator. AsyncSequences either complete with success or stop when an error is thrown.

Implementing an AsyncSequence follows all the rules that a normal sequence follows. Its next() returns nil when it’s completed for example.

An async iterator also consumes its underlying collection.

Things like break and continue work in async sequences too.

You can cancel an iteration by holding on to its Task.Handle when you wrap it in async:

let handle = async {
  for await thing in list {
    // ...


Reading files from a URL is commonly done async. You can use URL.lines for this. It works for network and local resources.

URLSession has a bytes(_:) function to enable roughly the same but with more control.

NotificationCenter notifications can be awaited too. You can even await one notification:

// listens for 1 notification only
let center = NotificationCenter.default
let notification = await center.notifications(named: .SomeNotification).first { notification in 

Callbacks that are called multiple times, and some delegates are good candidates for async sequences.

Start / stop / handle pattern is a good candidate. Sounds similar to location managers.

let stream = AsyncStream(Output.self) { continuation in 
  let object = SomeObject()
  object.handler = { element in 

  object.onTermination = { _ in 

  // starts producing values

AsyncStream is the easiest way to create your own asynchronous sequences. They also handle buffering (not sure what that means in this case).

There’s also a throwing version: AsyncThrowingStream.

Note: AsyncStream does not appear to be present in Beta 1

WWDC Notes: What’s new in SwiftUI

A good way to get started with SwiftUI is to use it for new features. SwiftUI can be mixed in with UIKit and AppKit code. It also allows you to expand into new platforms, like macOS, with little to no work.

Essentially, try to do new work with SwiftUI whenever you can.

Better lists

SwiftUI can load images async with the new AsyncImage. This takes a URL and shows a placeholder by default. You can pass a closure to configure the loaded image with modifier, and to set a custom placeholder.

There’s a new refreshable modifier. This modifier takes a closure that takes an async closure. So you can await things in there. Lists use this modifier to add pull to refresh.

You can run a task on appear with the task modifier. This will run when the view is first created, and cancels the task when the view disappears. You could use this to fetch initial data for the list without blocking your UI.


  • Discover concurrency in SwiftUI
  • Swift concurrency: Update a sample app

Text can be made editable with a TextField. This takes a binding but we might not easily have a binding available because in a list we receive an element; not a bindable object.

This is covered in depth in Demystifying SwiftUI.

You can pass a binding to your collection to the List. This will make it so the item closure receives a binding too. You can still read data like you did normally but you also have a binding.

Looks like you should use $thing instead of thing in the list item closure.

Separator tints can be set with listRowSeparatorTint. Also works for section separators. listRowSeparator(.hidden) hides the separators.

SwiftUI now has a swipeActions modifier that allows you to add swipe actions to items in ForEach. You can pass an edge to swipeAction to control where they appear. Also works on macOS.

View styles now have an enum-like style. For example listStyle(.inset). We can now pass a value to inset to alternate row background colors.

Beyond lists

We can now create tables with the Table view. Tables use a TableColumn for columns. They take a title + data. They support single + multiple selection and sorting. You can sort through key paths. Worth exploring, looks fun.

Fetch requests now provide a binding to their sort descriptor that allows you to sort fetched results Must explore

We can also use @SectionedFetchRequest to split @FetchRequest into sections.


  • SwiftUI on the Mac: Fundamentals
  • SwiftUI on the Mac: Finishing touches
  • Bringing Core Data concurrency to Swift and SwiftUI

Lists in SwiftUI can now be made searchable through a modifier. It binds to a search query. There’s a whole session on each in SwiftUI.

We can use onDrag to make this draggable (existing) we can provide a preview: closure to provide a custom preview of the dragged data.

We can add the importsItemProviders to make a view a drop target that accepts item providers. We can add ImportFromDevicesCommands() to an app’s commands to allow import from external devices like a camera.

We can use exportsItemProviders modifier to export items so that apps like Shortcuts can use our data. Not sure how this works exactly though. Covered only very briefly.

Advanced graphics

Apple added lots of new SF Symbols and two new rendering modes. Hierarchical and palette. More information in the SF Symbols talk.

There are all kinds of new colors in SwiftUI this year.

SF Symbol variants are now automatically picked by the system. Modifiers like .fill or no longer needed. The correct variant is automatically chosen based on context and platform. This is covered more in the SwiftUI + SF Symbols talk.

A Canvas can be used to draw a large number of items that don’t need to be managed individually. It’s possible to add gestures to a Canvas and modify its contents. You can add accessibility information like accessibillityChildren to enhance the accessibility experience.

You can wrap a TimelineView to create a timeline loop to build a screensaver like experience for tvOS. Or you can even use it to update your watch app when it’s in the always on state. You could, for example, update your view every minute. More information in What’s new in WatchOS 8.

.privacySensitive is a useful modifier to hide views when they might be visible to others. For example when a device is locked.

Materials can be used to build blurry translucent backgrounds and more. Materials work with the safe area inset to build partial overlays for example. The Rich graphics session covers this in depth.

SwiftUI previews can now show landscape iOS devices. Accessibility modifiers are now shown in the inspector when using previews. You can also inspect the state of your accessibility with previews. Covered in depth in the accessibility session.

Text and keyboard (focussed based)

SwiftUI Text now supports markdown to format text and even include links or code. This is built on top of Swift Attributed strings. More information on this in What’s new in Foundation.

Xcode 13 can now extract localization catalogs at compile time. Check out Localize your SwiftUI app for more.

Dynamic type was already supported. Now we can set a dynamicTypeSize minimum and maximum size to ensure our layouts don’t break for too large or small texts.

We can enable text selection on macOS with .textSelection. All text within the view this is applied to will be selectable. Also works on iOS.

We can easily format dates with .formatted. We can even use this to format people names for example. We can bind text fields to formatted fields. PersonNameComponents is used in an example. Also covered in the Foundation talk.

We can use onSubmit to handle pressing of the return key. We can also apply this on an entire form. We can set the label of the return key through the submitLabel modifier.

We can add toolbars to a keyboard through the toolbar modifier by returning a ToolbarItemGroup with placement: .keyboard. Shown above keyboard on iOS/iPadOS and Touch Bar on Mac.

We use @FocusState to control focus state. The focused modifier takes a binding to a focus state and will change this state when something is focused. This allows you to update something else in your view.

@FocusState can represent a Hashable value and .focused($focusField, equals: .addAttendee) to for example bind to an enum value.

When you set the @FocusState property to a value, the view that has its focused(_:equals:) set to that value will be activated.

Keyboard can be dismissed by not having a selected focus state. More information in the SwiftUI + Focus session.


Buttons are used all over the place in SwiftUI. You can use the .bordered button style to add a button around buttons. You can add tinting and apply the modifier to a container to style all buttons.

You can use controlSize and controlProminence to set a button’s styling too. A button that has an increased prominence gets high contrast color to stand out. accentColor is more dimmed. Button size .large makes a large full width button.

You can use a maxWidth to prevent a button from being too big. You can apply a keyboardShortcut to activate a button.

High prominence should not be applied to all buttons. It’s best for 1 button per screen. A lower prominence can be used to add a splash of color. You can mark buttons as destructive now so they are colored red. You can also ask confirmation for (destructive only?) buttons with the confirmationDialog.

Menu on macOS can now have a primary action and a menu with options of secondary actions. This also works on iOS.

New on button is a toggle style to activate / deactivate buttons.

We can compose everything together in a control group for example.

WWDC Notes: Protect mutable state with Swift actors

Data races make concurrency hard. They occur when two threads access the same data and at least one of them is a write. It’s trivial to write a data race, but it’s really hard to debug.

Data races aren’t always clear, aren’t always reproducible, and might not always manifest in the same way.

Shared mutable state is needed for a data race to occur. Value types don’t suffer from data races due to the way they work; they’re copied.

When you pass an array around, copies are created. This is due to array’s value semantics.

Even an object that’s a value type can be captured in a racy way. When you mutate a value type in a concurrent code block, Swift will show a compiler error since you’re about to write a data race.

Shared mutable state requires synchronization. Existing methods are:

  • Atomics
  • Locks
  • Serial dispatch queues

All three require the developer to carefully use these tools.


Actors are introduced to eliminate this problem. Actors isolate their state from the rest of the program. This means that all access to state has. To go through the actor. An actor ensures mutually-exclusive access to state.

What’s nice is that you cannot forget to synchronize an actor.

Actors can do similar things to structs, enums, and classes. They are reference types and their unique characteristic is in how they synchronize and isolate data.

actor Counter {
  var value = 0
  func increment() -> Int {
    value = value + 1
    return value

In this code, the actor will ensure that value is never read / mutated concurrently.

let counter = Counter()

asyncDetached {
  print(await counter.increment())

asyncDetached {
  print(await counter.increment())

This code does not cause a data race even though we have no idea how/when these detached tasks run. They might run after each other or at the same time. The actor will ensure we don’t have a data race on value.

Interacting with actors is done asynchronously. The actor might have your calling code wait for a while to free its resources and avoid data races.

Extensions on an actor can access an actor’s state because it’s considered internal to the actor. You can access an actor’s state synchronously from within the actor. In other words, within an actor, your code is uninterrupted and you don’t need to worry about suspensions.

Actor reentrancy

There is an important exception to this though. When a function on an actor runs it’s not interrupted, unless you have an wait within the function. If you await in an actor function, the function is suspended.

Consider this code:

actor ImageDownloader {
  private var cache: [URL: Image] = [:]

  func image(from url: URL) async throws -> Image? {
    if let cached = cache[url] {
      return cached

    let image = try await download(from: url)

    cache[url] = image
    return image

If you call this code, no data races for cache can occur. But if you call this method twice for the same url, here’s what happens:

  • CALL1 sees that no image is cached for url
  • CALL1 starts download,
  • CALL1 suspends
  • CALL2 sees that no image is cached for url
  • CALL2 starts download,
  • CALL2 suspends
  • CALL1’s call to download completes and CALL1 resumes
  • CALL1 caches image
  • CALL2’s call to download completes and CALL2 resumes
  • CALL2 overrides image with new version of image for same URL

While an actor’s function is suspended, the underlying data can be changed by another call to that function.

One workaround here would be to not overwrite the image when it’s re-downloaded:

cache[url] = cache[url, default: image]

Video mentions code associated with the video for a better solution; not found.

Ideally, all mutations in an actor are synchronous. You should expect that state is changed after you’ve used an await in your actor code. Any assumptions should be checked after an await.

Actor isolation

Protocol conformances must respect actor isolation.

For example

extension SomeActor: Hashable {
  func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

This will throw a compiler error. hash(into:) is an instance method on SomeActor which means that it must be called with async since the actor might run the function call at a later time if the actor is already busy.

However, Hashable requires hash(into:) to be synchronous. This is a problem because for an actor to guarantee isolation, we can’t call it synchronously.

To work around this, we can use nonisolated:

extension SomeActor: Hashable {
  nonisolated func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

This will make it so that the function is not isolated anymore. As long as someProperty is immutable, this will work. We know that someProperty can’t be mutated so reading it without isolation shouldn’t be a problem. After all, a data race is only a data race if one of the accesses mutates state.

If someProperty is mutable though, we’d still get a compiler error because we don’t know who else might access someProperty (and potentially mutate it).

Closures can be isolated to the actor.

extension SomeActor {
  func doSomething() {
    self.someList.map { item in 
      return self.infoFor(item)

infoFor is defined on SomeActor but we don’t need to await self.infoFor because we know this closure never leaves the scope of the actor. Map’s closure isn’t escaping so we’re always actor isolated.

extension SomeActor {
  func runLater() {
    asyncDetached {
      await doSomething()

In this example, the closure isn’t run immediately within the scope of the actor since it’s detached. This means we must await doSomething() since we’re no longer actor isolated.

If an actor owns a reference type that might be exposed to the outside of an actor, we have a potential for a data race. This isn’t a problem for value types. However, it is a problem for classes since the actor will hold a reference to an instance of a reference type. If this references is (safely) passed outside of the scope of the actor, this non-actor scope might cause a data race on that reference type instance.

Objects that can be safely shared concurrently are called Sendable types.

If you copy a something from one place to the other and each can modify it without issue, that object is sendable.

  • Value types are sendable because they’re copied
  • Actors are sendable because they isolate state
  • Immutable classes can be sendable. These are classes with only let properties
  • Internally synchronized classes can be sendable
  • Functions aren’t always sendable. They are if they are @Sendable

Sendable describes a common but not universal property of type.

Swift will enforce Sendable at compile time so you’ll know when you’re at risk of leaking non-Sendable information.

Sendable is a protocol that you can have classes conform to. Swift will automatically check correctness for you from that point. Something is Sendable if all of its properties are Sendable, similar to Decodable’s synthesized properties.

Sendable objects with generics must have the generic be Sendanle too. You can add conditional conformance to objects based on generics being Sendable for example.

Making objects Sendable if you need them in a concurrent situation is a great way to have Swift help you out when you might have a data race.

@Sendable function types conform to Sendable

Sendable closures cannot have mutable captures, must capture Sendable types only, and can’t be both sync and actor isolated.

asyncDetached takes a sendable closure.

var c = Counter()
asyncDetached {

This doesn’t work because c is not Sendable

Main actor

The main thread in an app is where all kinds of UI operations are performed. Whenever you interact with the UI you’re on the main thread.

Slow tasks should be performed away from the main thread so it doesn’t freeze.

Main thread is good for quick operations.

DispatchQueue.main.async is used to dispatch onto the main queue. This is very similar to running on an actor. If you’re on the main thread you can access it safely. Just like you can safely access an actor’s state from within the actor. If you want to run something on the actor from the outside you do so async with await. This is similar to running code on the main queue async with DispatchQueue.main.async.

The Main Actor in Swift is an actor that represents the main thread.

Main actors always use the main dispatch queue as their underlying queue. It’s interchangeable with DispatchQueue.main from the pov of the runtime.

If you mark something with @MainActor, it always runs on the main actor:

@MainActor func doSomething() {}

This code must be called async from outside of the main actor:

await doSomething()

Whole types cal be placed on the main actor with @MainActor:

@MainActor class SomeClass

Opt out of running on the main actor in such a class with nonisolated.

WWDC Notes: Explore structured concurrency in Swift

Structured programming uses a static scope. This makes it very easy to reason about code and its flow. Essentially making it trivial to understand what your code does by reading it from top to bottom.

Asynchronous and concurrent code do not follow this structured way of programming; it can’t be read from top to bottom.

Asynchronous functions don’t return values because the values aren’t ready at the end of the function scope. This means that the function will communicate results back through a closure at a later time.

It also means that we don’t use structured programming for error handling (no throws for example).

We need nesting if we want to use the produced results for another asynchronous operation.

An async function doesn’t take a completion handler and is instead marked with async, and it returns a value.

By using await to call async code we don’t have to nest in order to use results from an async function, and we can throw errors instead of passing them to a completion handler.

This brings us much closer to structured programming.

Tasks are a new feature in Swift and they are new in Swift. A task provides an execution context in which we can write asynchronous code. Each task runs concurrently with other tasks. They will run in parallel when appropriate.

Due to deep integration the compiler can help prevent bugs.

Async let task

An async let task is the easiest kind of task.

When writing let thing = something(), something() is evaluated first and its result is assigned to let thing.

If something() is async, you need it to run first and then assign to let thing. You can do this by marking let thing as async:

async let thing = something()

When evaluating this, a child task is created. At the same time, let thing is assigned a placeholder. The parent task continues running until at some point we want to use thing. We need to mark this point with await:

async let thing = something()

// some stuff

makeUseOf(await thing)

At this point, the parent context will suspend and await the completion of the child task which will fulfill the placeholder. If the async function can throw, you must prefix with try await instead.

When calling multiple async functions in one scope, you can write this:

func performAsyncJob() async throws -> Output {
  let (data, _) = try await fetchData()
  let (meta, _) = try await meta()

  return Output(data, meta)

This will first run (and await the output of) fetchData, and meta is run after.

After meta is done, we return Output.

If the two await lines don’t depend on each other, we can run then concurrently by using async let:

func performAsyncJob() async throws -> Output {
  async let (data, _) = fetchData()
  async let (meta, _) = meta()

  return Output(try await data, try await meta)

This will not suspend the parent task until the await is encountered, and both tasks will be running concurrently.

A parent task can spawn one or more child tasks. A parent task can only complete its work if its child tasks have completed their work. If one of the child tasks throws an error, the parent task should immediately exit. If there are multiple child tasks running, the parent will mark any in-flight tasks as cancelled before exiting. Marking a task as cancelled does not stop the task; it’ll just tell the task that its output is no longer needed; the task must handle its cancellation. If a task has any child tasks when cancelled, its child tasks will be automatically marked as cancelled too.

A parent task will only finish when all of its child tasks are marked as finished,

This guarantee of always finishing tasks (either successfully, through cancellation, or by throwing an error) is fundamental to concurrency in Swift.

Cancellation in Swift tasks is cooperative. The task is not stopped when cancelled. A task must check its own cancellation status at reasonable times, whether it’s actually async or not. This means you should design your tasks with cancellation in mind; especially if they are long-running. You should always aim to stop execution as soon as possible when a task is cancelled.

You can do this with try Task.checkCancellation(). This will check the cancellation status for the current task and throws an error if/when it is. If it’s more appropriate you can also use Task.isCancelled. When your task is cancelled you can throw an error which is what Task.checkCancellation() does. But you can also return an empty result, or a partial result. Make sure you document this explicitly so callers of your function know what to expect.

Group task

In the talk a structure like this is shown:

func fetchSeveralThings(for ids: [String]) async throws -> [String: Output] {
  var output = [String: Output]()
  for id in ids {
    output[id] = try await performAsyncJob()
  return output

func performAsyncJob() async throws -> Output {
  async let (data, _) = fetchData()
  async let (meta, _) = meta()

  return Output(try await data, try await meta)

For every id, one task with two child tasks is spawned. await performAsyncJob is the parent, and fetchData and meta create the child tasks. In the for loop, we only have one active task at a time since we await performAsyncJob in the loop. This means that Swift can make certain guarantees about our concurrency. It knows exactly how many tasks are active at a time.

We can use a task group to have multiple calls to performAsyncJob active. Tasks that are created in a group cannot escape the scope of their group.

You create a task group through the withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Type.self) function. This function takes a closure that receives a group object. You add new tasks to the group by calling using on the group:

func fetchSeveralThings(for ids: [String]) async throws -> [String: Output] {
  var output = [String: Output]()
  try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in 
    for id in ids {
      group.async {
        output[id] = try await performAsyncJob()

  return output

Child tasks start immediately when they’re added to the group.

By the end of the closure, the group goes out of scope and all added child tasks are awaited.

This means that that there’s one task in fetchSeveralThings. This task has a child task for each id in the list. And each child task has several tasks of its own.

The code above would have a compiler error due to a data race on output. It’s being mutated by several concurrently running tasks. Data races are common in concurrent code. Dictionaries are not concurrency-proof; they should only be mutated one by one.

Task creation takes a @Sendable closure and it cannot capture mutable variables. Sendable closures should only capture value types, actors, or classes that implement synchronization.

The Protect mutable state with Swift actors provides more info.

To fix the problem, child tasks can return a value instead of mutating the dictionary directly:

func fetchSeveralThings(for ids: [String]) async throws -> [String: Output] {
  var output = [String: Output]()
  try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: (String, Output).self) { group in 
    for id in ids {
      group.async {
        return (id, try await performAsyncJob())

    for try await (id, result) in group {
      output[id] = result

  return output

This for try await loop runs sequentially so the output dictionary is mutated one step at a time.

Async sequences are covered more in the Meet AsyncSequence session.

While task groups are a form of structured concurrency, the task tree rules work slightly differently.

When one of the child tasks in the group fails with an error (and it throws), this will cancel all other child task just like you’d expect since it’s the same as async let. The main difference is that when the group goes out of scope its tasks aren’t cancelled. You can call cancelAll on the group before exiting the closure that’s used to populate the task.

Unstructured tasks

Structured concurrency has a clear hierarchy and defined rules. Sometimes there are situations where you need unstructured concurrency; without a structured context.

For example, you might need to launch something async from a not yet async context. This means you don’t have a task yet. Other times, tasks might live beyond the confines of a single scope. This would be common when implementing delegate methods with concurrency.

Async tasks

Imagine a collection view delegate method where you want to fetch something async for your cell.

This would not work

// shortened
func cellForRowAt() {
  let ids = getIds(for: item) // item is passed to cellForRowAt
  let content = await getContent(for: ids)
  cell.content = content

So we need to launch an unstructured task

// shortened
func willDisplayCellForItem() {
  let ids = getIds(for: item) // item is passed to willDisplayCellForItem
  async {
      let content = await getContent(for: ids)
      cell.content = content

The async function runs code asynchronously on the current actor. To make this the main actor you can annotate a class with @MainActor

class CollectionDelegate {
  // code
  • An unstructured task will inherit actor isolation and priority of the origin context
  • Lifetime is not confined to a scope
  • Can be launched anywhere
  • Must be manually cancelled or awaited

SIDENOTE all async work is done in a task. Always.

Cancellations and errors do not automatically propagate when using an unstructured task.

We can put tasks in a dictionary to keep track of them:

class CollectionDelegate {
  var tasks = [IndexPath: Task.Handle<Void, Never>]()

  func willDisplayCellForItem() {
    let ids = getIds(for: item) // item is passed to willDisplayCellForItem
    tasks[item] = async {
      defer { tasks[item] = nil }

        let content = await getContent(for: ids)
        cell.content = content

Storing the task allows you to cancel it. Should be removed if the task finished. Defer can do this. This way we don’t cancel anything.

Because we run on the main actor (async inherits the actor), we know that we don’t have a data race on tasks. Only one operation will mutate (or read) it at a time.

We can use tasks[item]?.cancel() in didEndDisplay to cancel the task manually.

Detached tasks

Sometimes you want to not inherit any actor information and run a task completely on its own. This can be done with a detached task. They work the same as async tasks but they don’t run in the same context as they’re crated in. You can pass parameters for priority.

Imagine caching the result of getContent in the code. This can be detached from the main actor.

class CollectionDelegate {
  var tasks = [IndexPath: Task.Handle<Void, Never>]()

  func willDisplayCellForItem() {
    let ids = getIds(for: item) // item is passed to willDisplayCellForItem
    tasks[item] = async {
      defer { tasks[item] = nil }

        let content = await getContent(for: ids)

      asyncDetached(priority: .background) {

        cell.content = content

This task will run on its own actor and takes a low priority since it’s not super important to do it as soon as possible.

In a detached task you can create a task group. This would allow you to run a bunch of async work concurrently, and to cancel this work easily by cancelling the detached task since the detached task would be a parent task for all child tasks.

asyncDetached(priority: .background) {
  withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in 
    group.async { writeToCache(content) }
    group.async { ... }
    group.async { ... }

Since the detached task is a background task, the priority also applies to all of its child tasks.

Tasks are just part of Swift concurrency. They integrate with the rest of this large feature.

Tasks integrate with the OS and have low overhead. The behind the scene sessions provides more info.

WWDC Notes: Meet async await in Swift

There are tons of async await compatible functions built-in into the SDK. Often with an async version and completion handler based function.

Sync code blocks threads, async code doesn’t

When writing async code with completion handlers you unblock threads but it’s easy to not call your completion handlers. For example when you use a guard let and only return in the else clause. Swift can’t enforce this in the compiler which can lead to subtle bugs.

You can’t throw errors from completion handlers. We usually use Result for this. This adds “ceremony” to our code which isn’t ideal.

Futures can help clean up a callback based flow. But while it’s better and you can’t forget to call completion handlers with that, it’s still not ideal.

Async functions fix this. An async function is suffixed with async:

func doSomething() async

The keyword appears before the return type and before throws:

func doSomething() async throws -> ReturnType

Calling an async function and retrieving its result uses await:

let result = await doSomething()

If the method throws, you use try await:

let result = try await doSomething()

On the line after your async call, the result of doSomething() is available. It was produced without blocking the current thread; execution of your code is paused and the thread is freed up where you write await.

Not having to nest completion closures, call completion handlers, and forward errors makes code much simpler. Errors can be thrown so you don’t need Result.

In addition to functions, properties and initializers can also be async.

var property: Type? {
  get async {
    return await self.computeProperty()

If the getter can throw, add throws after the async:

var property: Type? {
  get async throws {
    return await self.computeProperty()

We can also use asynchronous sequences. These sequences generate their values asynchronously. We use them like this:

for await value in list {
  let transformed = await transform(value)
  // use transformed

There’s a specific session on “Meet AsyncSequence”. There’s also a specific session on Swift’s Structured Concurrency that explains running tasks in parallel for example.

Normal functions calls start, do work, return something. When you call a function, your “source” function gives up control to the called version which will in turn give control back when it’s done. This chain always keeps control of the thread.

In an async function, the function can suspend and allow the system to decide whether it will give control back to the async function by resuming it, or it might let somebody else do work on the thread until it makes sense for the async function to get control back.

Marking something as async or with await doesn’t guarantee that your function will suspend. Just that it might suspend. Or rather, will suspend if needed.

The await keyword signals to the developer that the state of your app can change dramatically while a function is suspended and the thread that the function is on is free to do other work. Swift does not guarantee which thread it will resume your function on. This is an implementation detail that you shouldn’t care about.

Since an async function can suspend, you have to call it from an async context to account for this suspension. Await marks where execution might be suspended. While a function is suspended, other work can be done on the thread (not guaranteed).

XCTest has support for async out of the box. No more need for expectation.

You can test async code by marking the test as async and calling your async work like you would normally, asserting that no errors are thrown for example.

Calling asynchronous code from a SwiftUI view (or non-async context) is done by calling the async task function:

async {
  // call async code

This makes it easy to call out into async code from a non-async place.

To learn more:

  • Explore structured concurrency in Swift
  • Discover concurrency in SwiftUI

Getting started is easiest by starting small with some built-in Apple APIs that were converted to be async.

A common pattern to update is one where you have a completion handler. The Swift compiler automatically provides async versions of imported Objective-C code that takes a completion handler.

Some delegate methods take a completion handler that developers must call to communicate an async result. Similar to functions that developers call, these delegate methods are now also async which means we can return values from them or throw errors rather than having to call a completion handler.

There are several sessions about this. The Core Data async/await one is an example of this.

NSAsynchronousFetchRequest fetches objects asynchronously, making it a good candidate to integrate with async/await. This API works with a completion handler.

We can wrap custom async work through continuations. A continuation is used to suspend a function, and resume it when appropriate. We do so through withCheckedThrowingContinuation. If you want a non-throwing version, withThrowingContinuation. You can await a call to these functions to provide a suspension point.

Then you can do whatever you need and call resume(throwing:): or resume(returning:) to resume the code again after having done the work you needed to do.

You must always call resume once. If there are code paths where you don’t call resume, Swift will tell you. Calling resume more than once is a problem and ensures that your code crashes if this happens.

You can store a checked continuation on a class. You can then resume (and nil out) a continuation when needed. This can be used for await a delegate’s response to an action.

Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes explains more about these suspend/resume cycle.

Thoughts on Combine in an async/await world

When Apple announced their own Functional Reactive Programming framework at WWDC 2019 I was super excited. Finally, a simplified, easy to use framework that we could use to dip our toes in FRP.

What made it even better is that SwiftUI makes heavy use of Combine, which means that Apple had to buy in to the technology themselves. This made it seem unlikely that Apple would abandon the technology any time soon.

Then WWDC 2020 came around and there weren’t any meaningful changes to Combine. It was hardly even mentioned in the sessions. To me, this was a signal that Apple was happy with where Combine’s at and it didn’t need a ton of updates which is absolutely fine.

And then the Swift team started implementing Swift’s overhauled concurrency features like async/await, structured concurrency and even asynchronous collections. Once people saw this, I regularly got questions like “Will these features replace Combine or make Combine obsolete?”.

And I honestly didn’t know what async/await would mean for Combine at the time. And I still don’t know for sure, but I have some thoughts.

Combine is great at observing things and receiving changes. This is also how I often explain Functional Reactive Programming. It’s about responding to changes. When a property changes, a user taps something, or a notification is sent through Notification Center, these are things you might want to receive and react to in some way.

This output can be transformed, and eventually displayed to the user, or used to influence something else in your app. The main idea is that you reacted to a specific change in your app’s environment.

As far as I know, async/await won’t be very well suited to observe an @Published property, or to listen for notifications in Notification Center. These will most likely be the places where Combine continues to excel and be a fantastic way to react to changes in your app, altough at the same time Async Streams might change this in the future.

On the other hand, there’s a whole range of uses cases where Combine can be used today that will eventually be obsoleted when iOS 15 is your minimum deployment target since async/await is not currently backwards deployable.

An example of this is networking.

Combine (and RxSwift for that matter) is commonly used in networking layers. We treat our data task as publishers, transform their outputs, and eventually we forward this transformed output to our UI for display in one way or the other.

While this is convenient and works well, I don’t think this was ever the best use case for Combine. Swift’s new concurrency features are far better suited for these kinds of tasks that you want to run. After all, Combine never was intended to be a task runner. It was intended to react to streams of values caused by state changes.

I’m curious to see how this unfolds, and I might change my mind on some of this down the line. After all, I’ve only spent a couple of hours seriously looking at Swift’s new concurrency features.

Combine will most likely stick around for a bit, but its uses will for sure be limited once you decide you’re all in on iOS 15 and async/await. Until then, I would recommend you make the best use of Combine you can, and for the time being I won’t be removing networking examples from my Practical Combine book. I will, however update the book to have some callouts where async/await might be a better choice, and I’ll add more examples of where Combine fits in a world where async/await exists.

The iOS Developer’s guide to WWDC 2024

This post was originally published in 2021 and has been touched up for 2024

WWDC is always an exciting time for iOS engineers. It's the one week a year where we're all newcomers to a whole range of features and APIs that Apple has just unleashed upon the world through their latest Xcode, macOS, iOS, tvOS, iPadOS, visionOS, and watchOS betas. The entire community comes out of hiding and we all come together to share thoughts, experiences, opinions, and findings.

For a whole week, Apple releases dozens of sessions on different topics, and we all scramble to watch them as soon as possible to make sure we're all up to date with whatever the latest and greatest is. As a newcomer, or a person with a regular sleeping schedule, this can be quite intimidating.

So that's why I figured I'd put together a little guide to making the most out of WWDC without being completely overwhelmed and intimidated by the sheer volume of content that Apple is about to unleash on us all.

Let's jump right in, shall we.

Tip 1: Breathe

Once Apple opens up that firehose of new content and beta's it's a scramble. You immediately start up the Beta downloads once they're up. In the meantime, you scan the documentation for new things and you're looking at the Apple Developer app to try and figure out which sessions you're going to watch and when.

It's a lot to take in all at once.

When you blink twice, you'll see the first people Tweet about the cool things they're already doing with the new Xcode beta while you're still waiting for that .xip file to finally finish extracting. The FOMO becomes more real with the second.

Just breathe. Take a moment, and breathe.

The Xcode betas aren't going anywhere. You'll have plenty of time to mess around with new APIs if you want to. Because even though it looks like everybody is exploring all the new things in depth within seconds of the first betas becoming available, a lot of us are much, much slower. In fact, I'd say a majority of us are not on top of everything all the time, and you don't have to be either.

Sit back, breathe, and proceed at a comfortable pace.

You'll find that breathing, and taking it easy are a recurring theme in this guide. That's because it's important that you do.

Tip 2: Figure out what's relevant to you

When you keep an eye on Twitter throughout the week of WWDC you'll find that everybody is talking about the latest and greatest. For WWDC 2021 I'm sure everybody's going to be all over what's new in SwiftUI, Swift 5.5's async/await, and whatever other new and exciting frameworks and APIs Apple releases.

Personally, I love exploring the new things too. It's new, it's fresh, it's exciting. But let's be honest; it's completely irrelevant for most of us in the short term. Apple isn't going to officially release anything they announce until more than three months later, so while it's fun to explore new things, it's not likely that you'll need to be aware of everything.

Whenever I'm going through WWDC content I try to focus on two types of sessions:

  • The super interesting sessions on new technology (for fun)
  • Sessions that cover best practices or advances in technologies I'm already familiar with

That's right, I love watching sessions on stuff that's not new at all. Sometimes these sessions don't even involve any new features and instead cover (usually undocumented) tips, tricks, and best practices that I can incorporate into my work almost immediately. These sessions are most exciting to me because they are most relevant to me in the short term.

So when you're in doubt about which sessions to watch, I would recommend to focus on what's relevant to you at the time rather than a new technology that everybody on the internet seems to be all over.

Tip 3: Move at a comfortable pace

I can't stress it enough; that firehose of content that Apple unleashes during WWDC is intimidating. Apple will upload dozens of videos and each one will look more attractive than the other. You might feel the pressure to watch as many videos during the day as you can. Heck, you might even be so excited that it's excitement that drives you. And my advice to you is that you don't give in to that urge.

Watch videos in a pace that is comfortable to you. If you're going over more than a couple of topics in the timespan of a few hours there's a good chance the contents won't really stick, and you'll be too tired to explore the APIs you've just learned about.

Move at a pace that is comfortable to you. If that means watching two videos a day and spending a few hours exploring in code, then that's exactly what you should do. If you prefer watching more videos and not exploring until later,that's fine too! And if you want to skip the videos and just code all day long, guess what? All good!

The videos aren't going anywhere for a long time. Watch them as needed. Maybe even pick a few videos from last year's WWDC if they're referred to from one of this year's videos. It's your choice.

WWDC is not a race, so focus on having fun with it.

Tip 4: Don't skip the State of the Union

If you've ever attended an in-person WWDC you'll know that the main keynote that starts at 10AM PDT on the Monday of WWDC is the main event. People get in line for a good seat early in the morning; some even start queueing at 11PM the day before. It's where we see a first glimpse of all the goodness we'll get to learn more about in the week to come. However, as a developer this main event is probably not the most interesting first day presentation you can watch.

After the main Keynote event, at 2PM PDT, there's a presentation called State of the Union. This presentation is the one to look out for as a developer in my opinion. It's where Apple will dig deeper into the APIs and Frameworks that were introduced, and they'll show off new OS features in-depth.

I know that a lot of developers skip the State of the Union in favor of playing with new APIs and resting up, but I personally love watching the State of the Union. It usually gets me much more pumped up for all the good stuff than the main Keynote does.

Tip 5: Prepare for your lab sessions

WWDC is a unique chance for developers to ask questions to Apple engineers directly. Once WWDC is underway we have the opportunity to request appointments with Apple engineers, and we can show them our projects and ask for input on ways to improve our code, solve bugs, or even just clarify how certain things are supposed to work. Labs is arguably the most valuable part of WWDC, so when WWDC went online last year it was a relieve to see that labs were brought online too. And this year is no different.

When you book a lab appointment, try to make sure you come as prepared as possible. If you want to ask about (what you believe to be) a missing feature, or a bug, make sure you file feedback in Apple's feedback assistant ahead of time. This will make it so your lab session can be associated with the feedback which makes the Apple engineer's job a lot easier. It'll also allow the engineer to pull up your feedback ahead of time.

Possibly more important than filing feedback is that you make sure you have a demo project ready to show off. If your lab starts and you have to work your way through your full codebase, it will make it harder for you and the engineer to work through your question, and potentially fix your problem.

A bare-bones example of what you need will improve this a lot, and will help you make the most out of your lab appointment.

Tip 6: File feedback

This tip applies mostly to the period after WWDC. Once WWDC is over and we start spending actual time with new APIs, and we start testing our own apps on the latest Xcode version, bug will start showing themselves. Presented APIs might be missing features that you'd love to have, iOS 15 might do interesting things to your app, or maybe Xcode 13 crashes every time you do something specific.

No matter what your feedback is, file it as soon as you can.

Don't expect that others will already have filed your feedback. Even if they have, the more duplicates Apple gets, the more likely it is that your feedback is eventually bumped to the top of the list. This means that it's more likely that your bugs get fixed, and that your feature requests get implemented when you file your feedback.

I know that Apple has a history of not always responding to feedback, and that it can be very time consuming to file feedback. But if there is a perfect time for you to do it, it's during the big beta cycle that starts with WWDC.

In Summary

WWDC is a hectic time for everybody. I think it's most important that you focus on taking it easy, not giving in to that fear of missing out, and not trying to learn everything in one week. Consume WWDC content at your own pace, and focus on what's relevant to you unless it's simply something you're super interested in even though it might not be something that you can apply in your work just yet.

I hope that these tips help you make the most of your WWDC experience, and that you'll be able to enjoy this WWDC as much as I've always enjoyed mine!