Using try catch in Swift

In Swift 2.0, Apple introduced the throws keyword in Swift. This addition to Swift language added the ability for developers to write code that clearly communicates that an error might occur during the execution of a code path, and it forces the caller of that code to handle, or explicitly ignore the error in-place. In this post I will show you what the throws keyword is exactly, and how you can deal with errors in your codebase.

Working with code that throws errors

If you've worked with JSONDecoder in Swift, you have already experienced code that can throw an error. Let's look at a quick example to refresh your mind.

do {
  let data = "hello, world".data(using: .utf8)!
  let decoder = JSONDecoder()
  let string = try decoder.decode(String.self, from: data)
} catch { error in
  print("something went wrong!")

This code is a very basic example of how you can work with code that might throw an error. When you call a function that can throw an error, you must prefix this invocation with the try keyword. You can't just do this anywhere. Calling out to code that might throw an error must occur in a do {} catch {} block. The try prefixed code must be in the do portion of the block. You can have more than one try prefixed method call in a single do block. When any of those method calls throws an error, execution is immediately moved to the catch part.

The catch block receives a single argument, which is the Error that was thrown in your do block. In Swift, Error is a protocol that is used to represent errors. It's possible to specialize your catch block to make it catch only a specific kind of error. If you do this, you still need a general purpose catch that will catch all other Error types. Let's look at an example:

do {
  let data = "hello, world".data(using: .utf8)!
  let decoder = JSONDecoder()
  let string = try decoder.decode(String.self, from: data)
} catch is DecodingError {
  print("something went wrong while decoding!")
} catch { error
  print("something went wrong!")

You can use pattern matching to specialize catch clauses for an entire category of errors, or a specific error (catch is MyError.someCase). Doing this can be convenient if you have special handling paths for certain errors, but you do lose access to the original error. The final catch-all is invoked if none of the specialized catch blocks match the thrown error.

There are cases when you might make the decision that you don't want to handle any thrown errors. In these cases, you can use the try? prefix instead of try. When you call a throwing function with try?, the function's return type becomes an Optional that's nil when an error was thrown. Let's look at an example:

enum MyError: Error {
  case myErrorCase

func doSomething() throws {
  throw MyError.myErrorCase

print(try? doSomething())

This example is pretty worthless in a real codebase, but it illustrates my point nicely. The doSomething() function doesn't return anything. This means that it returns Void, which can also be written as an empty tuple (()). The printed result of this code is nil. If you comment out the throw line from doSomething(), the printed output is Optiona(()). In other words, an optional with Void as its value. If a function has a return value and you call it with try?, the result is also optional. Let's look at another example:

let data = "hello, world".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let string = try? decoder.decode(String.self, from: data)


If you run this code in a Playground, you'll find that the printed value is nil. The provided data isn't valid JSON, so it fails to decode. But because we call decoder.decode(_:from:) with try?, the error is hidden and decode(_:from:) returns an optional value instead of its normal non-optional value.

If you call a throwing function that returns an optional with try?, you might expect a nested optional to be returned. After all, the function itself returns an optional and the return type of a throwing function is wrapped by an optional when you call it with try?. This means that a function that returns String returns String? when you call it with try?. However, if you call a function that returns String?, it doesn't return String??. Swift will automatically work around this nested optional, which is both a blessing and a curse. Consider the following code:

let string = try? returnsOptionalString()

if string == nil {
  // why is string nil? Is it due to an error? Or did the function execute successfully and we just got back nil without encountering any errors?

While the code above might be more convenient to write than a do {} catch {} block, you lose all error-related information. And in cases where code returns an optional, you don't know whether you received nil because of an error. You should only use try? if you truly don't care about handling errors, or knowing whether an error occurred at all.

There is one more way to deal with code that can throw errors. You can use try! in cases where you're absolutely sure that your code shouldn't throw an error, and you want your app to crash if it does. This flavor of try should be used sparingly, and preferably not at all. Let's look at one last example:

enum MyError: Error {
  case myErrorCase

func doSomething() throws {
  throw MyError.myErrorCase

try! doSomething() // 

This code would crash at runtime. doSomething() always throws an error, and by calling it with the try! prefix we tell Swift that we don't expect doSomething() to actually throw an error. And when it does, execution of the program should halt, and the app should crash. This is quite radical and, again, should be used sparingly.

Throwing errors in your own code

Sometimes, the code you write needs a way to express that something went wrong and execution of that code path needs to stop immediately with an error. If the error is recoverable, you might have a good candidate for a throwing function on your hands. When I say that an error is recoverable, I mean that the error didn't occur due to a programming error (like accessing an out of bounds index in an array for example) and that the program isn't in an unexpected or invalid state. It might simply mean that something went wrong.

For example, when you try to decode invalid JSON using a JSONDecoder, that's not considered an error that's severe enough to crash the app. Instead, an error is thrown to let you know that something went wrong. This is an important distinction, and trying to decode invalid JSON should never crash the application. At least not in the JSONDecoder. You're free to crash your app is a decoding error occurs if you want but I'd strongly advise you not to. Especially if you're loading JSON from a webserver.

When you're writing your own code, you might want to throw an error of your own. You already saw how to do this in the previous section in the doSomething function:

func doSomething() throws {
  throw MyError.myErrorCase

Functions that can throw an error must have the throws keyword appended to their signature, before the return type. Here's what a function signature for a throwing function with a return type looks like:

func returnsOptionalString() throws -> String? {
  // do work

When you're writing code in a so-called throwing function, you can call methods that throw errors without using a do {} catch {} block:

func decodeJSON(_ data: Data) throws -> String {
  let decoder = JSONDecoder()
  let decodedString = try decoder.decode(String.self, from: data)

  return decodedString

This code is okay because Swift knows that decodeJSON(_:) might encounter and throw an error. When the JSON decoding fails in this function, the thrown error is passed up to the caller of decodeJSON because it's marked as throwing with the throws keyword. When this function is called from another function that's throwing, that function will also forward the error up to its caller. The error will be passed up all the way to a caller that's not part of a throwing function.

There is one more error throwing related keyword that I want to show you. It's called rethrows. The rethrows keyword is used for functions that don't directly throw an error. Instead, the functions take a closure argument where the closure might throw instead of the function itself. Let's look at an example of a function that takes a throwing closure without rethrows:

func execute(_ closure: (() throws -> Void)) throws {
  try closure()

do {
  try execute {

  try execute { 
    throw MyError.myErrorCase
} catch {

In the code above I have defined an execute function. This function takes a single closure argument, and all it does is execute the closure immediately. Nothing fancy. You'll see that both execute(_:) and the closure it receives are marked with throws. It's important to understand that marking a function as throwing does not mean that the function is guaranteed to throw an error. All we're saying is that it might. This is especially relevant for the closure argument. The closure that's passed might not even be capable of throwing an error, just like the first call to execute(_:) in this example. Even though we know that this closure never throws an error, and the compiler also knows it, we must mark the call to execute(_:) with try because that function itself might throw an error.

We can clean this code up a little bit by declaring execute(_:) as rethrowing rather than throwing:

func execute(_ closure: (() throws -> Void)) rethrows {
  try closure()

execute {

do {
  try execute {
    throw MyError.myErrorCase
} catch {

Because execute(_:) is now rethrowing, the Swift compiler can verify whether a code path might throw an error, and it will allow you to call execute(_:) without try if it can prove that the closure you passed to execute(_:) doesn't throw an error. Quite neat right?

You'll find rethrows in several places in the Swift standard library. For example, map(_:) is marked with rethrows because the closure you supply to map(_:) is allowed to throw errors if needed:

let mapped: [Int] = try [1, 2, 3].map { int in
  if int > 3 {
    throw MyError.intLargerThanThree

  return int * 2

This probably isn't how you commonly use map(_:) because typically the closure passed to this function doesn't throw. But now you know that you're allowed to throw errors while mapping, and you also know why you're not forced to mark every call to map(_:) with try.

Note that the execution of any throwing method or closure is halted immediately when an error is thrown:

func doSomething() throws {
  throw MyError.myErrorCase

  print("This is never printed")

Throwing an error is a strong signal that something's wrong, and there's no point in fully executing the current code path. The error is sent to the caller of the throwing function, and it must be handled or forwarded from there. If you throw an error in a function that should return something, the function will not actually return anything. Instead, your code switches to the catch part of the do {} catch {} block immediately where you can handle the error. The exception here is when the called of your throwing function calls it with try? or try! like I explained in the previous section.

In Summary

In this post, I've shown you how you can deal with functions that can throw errors in Swift. You saw how you can call functions that are marked as throwing, how you can tell Swift you're not interested in handling an error and how you can tell Swift that you're absolutely sure a certain call will never actually throw an error at runtime.

After that, I moved on to show you how you can throw errors from your own code, what the rethrows keyword is and when it's useful.

If you have any feedback for me about this post, or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter.

Adding default values to subscript arguments in Swift 5.2

The ability to define custom subscripts in Swift is really powerful. It allows us to write very natural and concise code. Consider the following example of a Grid with a custom subscript:

struct Grid {
  let items : [[GridItem]]

  subscript(x x: Int, y y: Int) -> GridItem? {
    guard !items.isEmpty, (items.startIndex...items.index(before: items.endIndex)).contains(x)
      else { return nil }

    let row = items[x]

    guard !row.isEmpty, (row.startIndex...row.index(before: row.endIndex)).contains(y)
      else { return nil }

    return row[y]

Note that subscripts don't use labels by default. To make a subscript use labels, you need to manually declare the subscript label twice like I did in the code above (x x: Int and y y: Int). A subscript like the above would be used as follows:

let item = grid[x: 10, y: 2]

This example works fine in Swift 5.1 and earlier versions in Swift. New in Swift 5.2 is the ability to provide default values for subscript arguments:

struct Grid {
  let items : [[GridItem]]

  subscript(x x: Int = 0, y y: Int = 0) -> GridItem? {
    guard !items.isEmpty, (items.startIndex...items.index(before: items.endIndex)).contains(x)
      else { return nil }

    let row = items[x]

    guard !row.isEmpty, (row.startIndex...row.index(before: row.endIndex)).contains(y)
      else { return nil }

    return row[y]

This code is almost the same as the first example, except the subscript now has default arguments. This means that you can use the subscript as follows:

let item = grid[y: 2]

This will automatically call the subscript with a default value of 0 for the x argument.

The fact that it wasn't possible to define default subscript arguments in Swift before was kind of a surprise for me to be honest, but I'm really happy that we have the possibility now. I think it will allow many people to write better subscripts for their objects.

How and when to use callAsFunction in Swift 5.2

A new Swift 5.2 feature is the ability to call instances of types as functions. Or, as the Swift Evolution proposal calls it "Callable values of user-defined nominal types". The very short description of this feature is that it allows you to call instances of any type that has a callAsFunction method implemented as if it's a function:

struct InvestmentsCalculator {
  let input: Double
  let averageGrowthPerYear = 0.07

  func callAsFunction(years: Int) -> Double {
    return (0..<years).reduce(input, { value, _ in
      return value * (1 + averageGrowthPerYear)

let calculator = InvestmentsCalculator(input: 1000)
let newValue = calculator(years: 10)

While this is pretty cool, you might wonder when a feature like this is useful in the real world, and how you can apply it in your code. Luckily, that's exactly what I hope to help you discover in today's post, and what I've been trying to find out myself.

Understanding the background of callAsFunction

Swift isn't the only language to allow its users to call instances of certain types as functions. A language that I have used a lot that allows this kind of behavior is Python. The ability to invoke instances as functions is very interesting in certain applications where you want to represent a stateful calculator, parser or computing object. This is very common in complex math operations and machine learning where certain objects might hold on to some state and only implement a single method.

An application that I am more familiar with myself, is to pass a renderer object to a function in Python. I won't bother you with Python code in this post, but I do want to show you what I mean by my previous statement. So let's look at a Swift example:

protocol Route {
  associatedtype Output

func registerHandler<R: Route>(_ route: R, _ handler: (R) -> R.Output) {
  return renderer(route)

Upon first glance, this shouldn't look too crazy. It's a function that accepts an object that conforms to Route, and a closure that takes this Route as its argument, and returns R.Output, whatever that may be. If you were to call this function, you might write the following:

registerHandler(homeRoute) { route in
  /* Do a bunch of work to create output */

  return output

This might work fine for very simple renderers. However, in the context of Python I mentioned before, this kind of code would be running on a web server. And a route would be the equivalent of a URL or path to a webpage. The closure passed to registerHandler is called whenever the associated route is requested by the user. In many cases, a simple closure wouldn't do. The object that ends up handling the route would need to have a database connection, a concept of caching, authenticating and possibly a lot of other functionality. Capturing all of that in a closure just doesn't seem like a great idea. Instead, you'd want some kind of complex object to handle this route. And that's exactly the kind of freedom we get with callAsFunction:

struct HomeHandler {
  let database: Database
  let authenticator: Authenticator

  // etc...

  func callAsFunction<R: Route>(_ route: R) -> R.Output {
    /* Do a bunch of work to create output */

    return output

let homeHander = HomeHandler(database: database, authenticator: authenticator)

registerHandler(for: homeRoute, homeHandler)

Patterns like this are quite common in Python, and in my opinion, it's pretty cool to be able to transparently pass entire objects to functions take closures is really neat.

If you know a thing or two about closures, you might be wondering if there's any difference between the previous code, and the following:

registerHandler(for: homeRoute, homeHandler.callAsFunction)

And there really isn't much of a difference other than the amount of typing you need to do. Functions can still be passed to functions that take closures just fine. It just reads a little bit nicer to not have to specify what function on an object needs to be called exactly.

Understanding how to use callAsFunction

Using callAsFunction in Swift is relatively straightforward. Any object that defines a callAsFunction method can be treated as a function. Your callAsFunction can take arguments and return values as shown in the Swift Evolution proposal with the following example:

struct Adder {
  let base: Int

  func callAsFunction(_ x: Int) -> Int {
    return base + x

let add3 = Adder(base: 3)
add3(10) // 13

Or it can take no arguments at all:

struct Randomizer<T> {
  let elements: [T]

  func callAsFunction() -> T? {
    return elements.randomElement()

let randomizer = Randomizer(elements: [1, 2, 3])
randomizer() // a random element

And you can even have multiple overloads on a single object:

struct Randomizer<T> {
  let elements: [T]

  func callAsFunction() -> T? {
    return elements.randomElement()

  func callAsFunction(resultCount: Int) -> [T] {
    return (0..<resultCount).reduce(into: [T]()) { result, _ in
      if let element = elements.randomElement() {

let randomizer = Randomizer(elements: [1, 2, 3])
randomizer() // a random element
randomizer(resultCount: 2) // an array with two random elements

The ability to decide whether you want your callAsFunction implementation to take arguments and what its return type is, makes it a pretty powerful feature. You can really customize this feature to your heart's content and because you can add multiple overloads of callAsFunction to your objects, you can use a single object as a function in many contexts.

In Summary

The ability to make your types callable might not be something that you're likely to use a lot. It's a niche feature that has a couple of very specific, yet convenient, applications. In today's post, you saw an example of how Python uses callables in a framework that I've worked with a couple of years ago to build websites. I roughly translated the ability to register route handlers using objects to Swift to give you an idea of what a practical application could look like and give you a little bit of background from a new perspective.

I then proceeded to show you how callAsFunction can be used on your own types. You saw that it's totally up to you to decide whether you want your implementation to take arguments and that you get to pick the return type of callAsFunction yourself. You also learned that it's possible to specify your overloads for callAsFunction which means that you can have multiple flavors of callAsFunction on a single type.

If you have any questions about this post, or if you have feedback for me, don't hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter.

Testing push notifications in the Simulator with Xcode 11.4

For years we've had to resort to using physical devices when testing push notifications. With Xcode 11.4, Apple finally gives developers the tools needed to test push notifications on the iOS Simulator. I'm going to assume you already know how to add push notifications to your app. If you've never added push notifications to an app before, I have a post that describes how to set up and test push notifications without a third-party service. That post should get you all set up to follow along with this post.

Sending a test push from the command line

Xcode comes with several command-line tools that allow you to run your tests, builds and other tasks directly from the Terminal in macOS. If you have Xcode installed, it should automatically install the command line tools on its first launch. If you've followed my guide on having multiple Xcode versions installed, make sure to select Xcode 11.4 or newer by running xcversion select 11.4 and replace 11.4 with the version of Xcode you want to use. Doing this will make sure the Xcode command line tools point to the correct toolchain.

When you have an iOS 13.4 or newer simulator running, all you need to send a push notification is an apns notification payload. The payload should look similar to the following:

  "Simulator Target Bundle": "com.donnywals.SilentPushDemo",
  "aps": {
    "alert": {
      "title": "Push on the simulator",
      "subtitle": "So cool...",
      "body": "This notification is going to show up in the simulator!"

The formatting of the push notification is the same as it would be when you send it from a server to a device. The only exception is the "Simulator Target Bundle" top-level key. This key should not be present in push notifications that you send from a production server. To send this push notification, you can run the following terminal command:

xcrun simctl push booted test_push.apns

This will send a test push notification to all booted simulators. The last argument passed to this command is the path to the file that contains the test push notification. In this case, it's a file called test_push.apns which exists in the directory as the one I'm running the command from.

The "Simulator Target Bundle" can be omitted from the file, but then the terminal command would be slightly different:

xcrun simctl push booted <your-bundle-identifier> test_push.apns

When you don't include your app's bundle identifier in the payload, you need to specify the bundle identifier of the receiving app in the command. Make sure you replace <your-bundle-identifier> with the receiving application's bundle identifier.

Sending a test push notification without the command line

If you're not comfortable using the command line to send a test push, you can also drag your test push notification directly to the simulator to have it delivered to that specific simulator immediately.

When doing this, make sure your file has .apns as its extension, and it must include the "Simulator Target Bundle" top-level key so the simulator knows which application should receive your test push.

In Summary

The ability to test push notifications in the simulator is a feature that iOS developers have wanted for a very long time, and I think that it's great that Apple has finally provided us with this ability. Especially because they managed to make the process so straightforward by keeping everything local to the machine you're developing on.

If you want to test with notifications that are actually generated and sent from your server, you still need to use a physical device because the simulator doesn't support true remote notifications just yet. However, I think this is a great step in the right direction and I'm sure I will use this feature regularly.

If you have any questions or feedback for me, make sure to reach out on Twitter.

Using Promises and Futures in Combine

So far in my Combine series I have mostly focussed on showing you how to use Combine using its built-in mechanisms. I've shown you how Combine's publishers and subscribers work, how you can use Combine for networking, to drive UI updates and how you can transform a Combine publisher's output. Knowing how to do all this with Combine is fantastic, but your knowledge is also still somewhat limited. For example, I haven't shown you at all how you can take an asynchronous operation in your existing code, and expose its result using Combine. Luckily, that is exactly what I'm going to cover in this (for now) final post in my Combine series.

In this post I will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding what Promises and Futures are
  • Wrapping an existing asynchronous operation in a Future

By the end of this post, you will be able to take virtually any async operation in your codebase and you will know how to expose it to combine using a Future.

Understanding what Promises and Futures are

The concept of Promises and Futures isn't unique to Combine or even iOS. The Javascript community has been working with Promises for a while now. We've had implementations of Promises in iOS for a while too. I even wrote a post about improving async code with PromiseKit in 2015. In Combine, we didn't get a Promises API that's identical to Javascript and PromiseKit's implementations. Instead, we got an API that is based on Futures, which is also a common concept in this kind of working area. The implementation of Combine's Futures and Promises is quite similar to the one that you'd find in Javascript on a surface level. A function can return an object that will eventually resolve with a value or an error. Sounds familiar?

In Combine, a Future is implemented as a Publisher that only emits a single value, or an error. If you examine Combine's documentation for Future, you'll find that Future conforms to Publisher. This means that you can map over Futures and apply other transformations just like you can with any other publisher.

So how does a Future work? And how do we use it in code? Let's look at a simple example:

func createFuture() -> Future<Int, Never> {
  return Future { promise in

createFuture().sink(receiveValue: { value in

The createFuture function shown above returns a Future object. This object will either emit a single Int, or it fails with an error of Never. In other words, this Future can't fail; we know it will always produce an Int. This is the exact same principle as having a publisher in Combine with Never as its error. In the body of createFuture, an instance of a Future is created. The initializer for Future takes a closure. In this closure, we can perform asynchronous work, or in other words, the work we're wrapping in the Future. The closure passed to Future's initializer takes a single argument. This argument is a Promise. A Promise in Combine is a typealias for a closure that takes a Result as its single argument. When we're done performing our asynchronous work, we must invoke the promise with the result of the work done. In this case, the promise is immediately fulfilled by calling it with a result of .success(42), which means that the single value that's published by the Future is 42.

The result of a Future is retrieved in the exact same way that you would get values from a publisher. You can subscribe to it using sink, assign or a custom subscriber if you decided that you need one. The way a Future generates its output is quite different from other publishers that Combine offers out of the box. Typically, a publisher in Combine will not begin producing values until a subscriber is attached to it. A Future immediately begins executing as soon it's created. Try running the following code in a playground to see what I mean:

func createFuture() -> Future<Int, Never> {
  return Future { promise in
    print("Closure executed")

let future = createFuture()
// prints "Closure executed"

In addition to immediately executing the closure supplied to the Future's initializer, a Future will only run this closure once. In other words, subscribing to the same Future multiple times will yield the same result every time you subscribe. It's important to understand this, especially if you come from an Rx background and you consider a Future similar to a Single. They have some similarities but their behavior is different.

The following is a list of some key rules to keep in mind when using Futures in Combine:

  • A Future will begin executing immediately when you create it.
  • A Future will only run its supplied closure once.
  • Subscribing to the same Future multiple times will yield in the same result being returned.
  • A Future in Combine serves a similar purpose as RxSwift's Single but they behave differently.

If you want your Future to act more like Rx's Single by having it defer its execution until it receives a subscriber, and having the work execute every time you subscribe you can wrap your Future in a Deferred publisher. Let's expand the previous example a bit to demonstrate this:

func createFuture() -> AnyPublisher<Int, Never> {
  return Deferred {
    Future { promise in
      print("Closure executed")

let future = createFuture()  // nothing happens yet

let sub1 = future.sink(receiveValue: { value in 
  print("sub1: \(value)")
}) // the Future executes because it has a subscriber

let sub2 = future.sink(receiveValue: { value in 
  print("sub2: \(value)")
}) // the Future executes again because it received another subscriber

The Deferred publisher's initializer takes a closure. We're expected to return a publisher from this closure. In this case we return a Future. The Deferred publisher runs its closure every time it receives a subscriber. This means that a new Future is created every time we subscribe to the Deferred publisher. So the Future still runs only once and executes immediately when it's created, but we defer the creation of the Future to a later time.

Note that I erased the Deferred publisher to AnyPublisher. The only reason I did this is so I have a clean return type for createFuture.

The example I just showed you isn't particularly useful on its own but it does a decent job of explaining the basics of a Future. Let's move on to doing something a little bit more interesting, shall we? In the next section I will not use the Deferred publisher. I will leave it up to you to decide whether you want to wrap Futures in Deferred or not. In my experience, whether or not you should defer creation of your Futures is a case-by-case decision that depends on what your Future does and whether it makes sense to defer its creation in the context of your application.

Wrapping an existing asynchronous operation in a Future

Now that you understand the basics of how a Future is used, let's look at using it in a meaningful way. I already mentioned that Futures shine when you use them to wrap an asynchronous operation in order to make it a publisher. So what would that look like in practice? Well, let's look at an example!

extension UNUserNotificationCenter {
  func getNotificationSettings() -> Future<UNNotificationSettings, Never> {
    return Future { promise in
      self.getNotificationSettings { settings in

This code snippet defines an extension on the UNUserNotificationCenter object that is used to manage notifications on Apple platforms. The extension includes a single function that returns a Future<UNNotificationSettings, Never>. In the function body, a Future is created and returned. The interesting bit is in the closure that is passed to the Future initializer. In that closure, the regular, completion handler based version of getNotificationSettings is called on the current UNUserNotificationCenter instance. Inside of the completion handler, the promise closure is called with a successful result that includes the current notification settings. So what do we win with an extension like this where we wrap an existing async operation in a Future? Let's look at some code that doesn't use this Future based extension:

UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings { settings in
  switch settings.authorizationStatus {
  case .denied:
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
      // update UI to point user to settings
  case .notDetermined:
    UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .badge, .sound]) { result, error in
      if result == true && error == nil {
        // We have notification permissions
      } else {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
          // Something went wrong / we don't have permission.
          // update UI to point user to settings
    // assume permissions are fine and proceed

In this basic example, we check the current notification permissions, and we update the UI based on the result. You might apply different abstractions in your code, but writing something like the above isn't entirely uncommon. And while it's not horrible, you can see the rightward drift that's occurring in the notDetermined case when we request notification permissions. Let's see how Futures can help to improve this code. First, I want to show a new extension on UNUserNotificationCenter that I'll be using in the refactored example:

extension UNUserNotificationCenter {
  func requestAuthorization(options: UNAuthorizationOptions) -> Future<Bool, Error> {
    return Future { promise in
      self.requestAuthorization(options: options) { result, error in
        if let error = error {
        } else {

This second extension on UNUserNotificationCenter adds a new flavor of requestAuthorization(options:) that returns a Future that tells us whether we successfully received notification permissions from a user. It's pretty similar to the extension I showed you earlier in this section. Let's look at the refactored flow that I showed you earlier where we checked the current notification permissions, asked for notification permissions if needed and updated the UI accordingly:

  .flatMap({ settings -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> in
    switch settings.authorizationStatus {
    case .denied:
      return Just(false)
    case .notDetermined:
      return UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge])
        .replaceError(with: false)
      return Just(true)
  .sink(receiveValue: { hasPermissions in
    if hasPermissions == false {
      DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // point user to settings

There is a lot going on in this refactored code but it can be boiled down to three steps:

  1. Get the current notification settings
  2. Transform the result to a Bool
  3. Update the UI based on whether we have permissions

The most interesting step in this code is step two. I used a flatMap to grab the current settings and transform the result into a new publisher based on the current authorization status. If the current status is denied, we have asked for permissions before and we don't have notification permissions. This means that we should return false because we don't have permission and can't ask again. To do this I return a Just(false) publisher. Note that this publisher must be erased to AnyPublisher to hide its real type. The reason for this becomes clear when you look at the notDetermined case.

If the app hasn't asked for permissions before, the user is asked for notification permissions using the requestAuthorization(options:) that's defined in the extension I showed you earlier. Since this method returns a Future that can fail, we replace any errors with false. This might not be the best solution for every app, but it's fine for my purposes in this example. When you replace a publisher's error with replaceError(with:), the resulting publisher's Error is Never since any errors from publishers up the chain are now replaced with a default value and never end up at the subscriber. And since we end up with a Publishers.ReplaceError when doing this, we should again erase to AnyPublisher to ensure that both the notDetermined case and the denied case return the same type of publisher.

The default case should speak for itself. If permissions aren't denied and also not notDetermined, we assume that we have notification permissions so we return Just(true), again erased to AnyPublisher.

When we subscribe to the result of the flatMap, we subscribe to an AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> in this case. This means that we can now subscribe with sink and check the Bool that's passed to receiveValue to determine how and if we should update the UI.

This code is a little bit more complicated to understand at first, especially because we need to flatMap so we can ask for notification permissions if needed and because we need to erase to AnyPublisher in every case. At the same time, this code is less likely to grow much more complicated, and it won't have a lot of rightward drift. The traditional example I showed you before is typically more likely to grow more complicated and drift rightward over time.

In summary

In this week's post, you learned that Futures in Combine are really just Publishers that are guaranteed to emit a single value or an error. You saw that a Future can be returned from a function and that a Future's initializer takes a closure where all the work is performed. This closure itself receives a Future.Promise which is another closure. You must call the Promise to fulfill it and you pass it the result of the work that's done. Because this textual explanation isn't the clearest, I went on to show you a basic example of what using a Future looks like.

You also learned an extremely important detail of how Futures work. Namely that they begin executing the closure you supply immediately when the Future is created, and this work is only performed once. This means that subscribing to the same Future multiple times will yield the same result every time. This makes Futures a good fit for running one-off asynchronous operations.

I went on to demonstrate these principles in an example by wrapping some UNUserNotificationCenter functionality in Future objects which allowed us to integrate this functionality nicely with Combine, result in code that is often more modular, readable and easier to reason about. This is especially true for larger, more complicated codebases.

If you have feedback or questions about this post or any other content on my blog, don't hesitate to shoot me a tweet. I love hearing from you.

Five ways to get better at receiving feedback

When I just started my career as a developer there was a lot I didn't know yet. There also were a lot of things I didn't understand or had never done before. I have always been lucky enough to work in places where I was able to learn and grow as needed, and most importantly, I was allowed to make mistakes. One of the hardest things wasn't that I was constantly learning and figuring out. That actually was the fun part! The hard bit was often receiving feedback.

Whether it was feedback from clients, coworkers or teachers back in college. Something about getting feedback and learning about things I didn't get quite right, could have done better or differently always felt like it was some kind of an attack. You could argue that the feedback should have been delivered differently if that's the case, but the feedback usually was good and constructive. I just wasn't very good at receiving feedback.

Just like giving feedback, being able to receive it is a skill. It's something you learn to get better at over time. And in this week's quick tip I would like to leave you with a couple of lessons that I have learned over the years about receiving feedback in a productive, and positive manner.

1. Listen, don't defend

Something that I often found myself doing when I received feedback was coming up with counter-arguments or a defense against the feedback I was receiving. If somebody told me my code could have been better, I would tell them that my code was fine as it is. Or if somebody would point out that a specific animation wasn't quite right, I would immediately tell them that this was as good as it was going to get.

Not only does this make the feedback process very frustrating for both parties involved, but it also chips away from your credibility over time. When you tell somebody something can't be done, and a more senior developer helps you to get it done anyway, that doesn't reflect too good on you as the receiver of feedback.

It's much better to listen carefully to the feedback you're receiving. Or if the feedback is delivered via an email, Jira ticket, code review or any other digital medium, read it carefully. Don't think about any counter-arguments just yet. Just soak up whatever feedback you're getting, no matter how wrong you think it is at the time of receiving it. Especially if the feedback is delivered to you carefully and properly, you can rest assured that the person giving you feedback has the best intentions and wants to ship a fantastic product, just like you.

2. Let the feedback sink in

After listening to the feedback, or reading it all, it's very tempting to begin formulating a response immediately. Try not to do this. When you receive feedback that requires you to make a bunch of changes, or if you need to fix something you don't quite understand, or even think is impossible, chances are that your initial response is quite emotional. You worked really hard and now somebody is telling you that you didn't do a perfect job, of course you're not thrilled about that. That's normal.

It's important to let feedback sink in for a moment, let your initial knee-jerk reaction subside before you respond. I distinctly remember sending a few too many emails back to coworkers and even clients with very well thought out responses explaining why I did what I did, and why I didn't their feedback was justified, only to regret it hours later. I knew they were right, for some reason I just felt the need to explain myself and justify my work to the person giving me feedback. If I had waited an hour or so before responding, I probably would have seen things very differently, and my responses would have been different too.

3. Don't take it personally

This tip has been a game-changer for me. For the longest time, I took feedback personally. If somebody pointed out that an animation wasn't smooth, or that a label is misaligned it felt as if they were critiquing me. All I would hear is that I didn't do a good enough job implementing a design, or that my coding isn't good enough. Detaching yourself from your work is really hard, but I found that it makes receiving feedback a lot easier.

If feedback is given well, it never is an attack on you. It does not even critique on you as a person. It's an objective look at the work that was delivered. In the end, the purpose of giving and receiving feedback is to create a better product. Designers do their best to create a beautiful design, and as a developer, you try to do justice to this design while writing good code. The whole teams wants this project to succeed. So when somebody points out a flaw in the product, they are doing just that. They are not pointing out a flaw you made. They are looking at the product and pointing out a flaw in the product.

In a professional environment, nobody should be out to get you. Remember that.

4. Ask for more information if needed

Sometimes, feedback isn't delivered very well. Key information is missing, or you don't understand what somebody means. It's easy to bounce this kind of feedback off and ignore it. It's one less thing on your todo list. Unfortunately, this almost never works. The person providing feedback to you obviously cared enough to give this feedback to you. If it's not clear, ask for more information. Ask the person that gave you feedback to explain themselves.

This also applies in scenarios where you don't understand why somebody gave you certain feedback. If you're asked to refactor something in a code review but you don't understand why, you'll probably comply reluctantly. Instead, try asking this person for more information. Why do they want you to refactor? What do you gain from it? When you understand the why, implementing the feedback suddenly isn't so bad.

5. Ask for help

In my career, I have often ignored this advice. When receiving feedback, I would often explain why I did what I did, and why changing my work to address the feedback was either impossible or would take a tremendous amount of time. Being a junior developer with just a year or two experience, that's a bold statement to make. When you get feedback from a more senior developer, or designer asking you to improve something, chances are that they know that it can be done.

If this happens to you, don't jump into defense mode immediately. Instead, ask for help. Walk up to a coworker, your team lead or even the person giving you feedback and explain that you want to address their feedback but aren't quite sure how. You did a ton of research but couldn't figure out how to achieve the desired result. Doing this is good. There is no shame in admitting that you don't know how to do something and asking for help. It's much better to be honest when you're not sure about something and asking for help than it is to make a bold claim saying that something can't be done, only to be proven wrong later. That's not good for your self-esteem, and it also harms your credibility.

In summary

Receiving feedback can be hard. Especially if you're not very experienced yet. I hope that this post has given you some good tips to help you get better at receiving feedback. These tips are all derived from my own experiences as a developer over the past years and they really helped me grow as a developer.

If you have any questions about this post for me, or if you want to share your experiences with receiving feedback, don't hesitate to reach out on Twitter.

Using map, flatMap and compactMap in Combine

Oftentimes when you're working with Combine, you'll have publishers that produce a certain output. Sometimes this output is exactly what you need, but often the values that are output by a publisher need to be transformed or manipulated somehow before they are useful to their subscribers. The ability to do this is a huge part of what Combine is, what makes it so powerful, and Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) in general.

In this week's post, I will show you several common operators that you can use to transform the output from your publishers and make them more useful.

If you've been following along with my series on Combine, this article should be somewhat of a cherry on top of the knowledge you have already gained. You know how publishers and subscribers work, you know how to use Combine in a basic scenario and you know how to subscribe to publishers and publish your own values. Once you understand how you can use all this together with Combine's powerful operators, there's nothing stopping you from integrating Combine effectively in your apps.

Transforming a publisher's output with map

In Combine, publishers emit values over time. For example, we can create a very basic publisher that outputs integers as follows:

let intPublisher = [1, 2, 3].publisher

Or we can create a somewhat more elaborate publisher using a CurrentValueSubject:

let intSubject = CurrentValueSubject<Int, Never>(1)

Both of these examples can be subscribed to using Combine's sink method, and both will send integer values to the sink's receiveValue closure. Imagine that you want to display these integers on a label. You could write something like the following:

intSubject.sink(receiveValue: { int in
  myLabel.text = "Number \(int)"

There's nothing inherently wrong with the code above, but last week I showed that you can use the assign subscriber to update a UI element directly with the output of a publisher. That won't work if the publisher outputs integers and we want to assign its output to a label's text. To be able to use the intSubject as a direct driver for myLabel.text we need to transform its output so it becomes a string. We can do this using map:

  .map { int in "Number: \(int)"}
  .assign(to: \.text, on: myLabel)

The preceding code is arguably a lot more readable. Instead of transforming the int into a string, and assigning the string to the label's text, we now have two distinct steps in our publisher chain. First, transform the value, then assign it to the label's text. Note that map in Combine is a lot like the map you may have used on Array or Set before.

Transforming values with compactMap

In addition to a simple map, you can also use compactMap to transform incoming values, but only publish them down to the subscriber if the result is not nil. Let's look at an example:

let optionalPublisher = [1, 2, nil, 3, nil, 4, nil, 5].publisher
  .compactMap { $0 }
  .sink(receiveValue: { int in
    print("Received \(int)")

This code has the following output:

Received 1
Received 2
Received 3
Received 4
Received 5

Using compactMap in Combine has the same effect as it has on normal arrays. Non-nil values are kept while nil values are simply discarded.

This might lead you to wonder if combine also has a flatMap operator. It does. But it's slightly more complicated to grasp than the flatMap that you're used to.

Transforming values with flatMap

When you flatMap over an array, you take an array that contains other arrays, and you flatten it. Which means that an array that looks like this:

[[1, 2], [3, 4]]

Would be flatMapped into the following:

[1, 2, 3, 4]

Combine's map operations don't operate on arrays. They operate on publishers. This means that when you map over a publisher you transform its published values one by one. Using compactMap leads to the omission of nil from the published values. If publishers in Combine are analogous to collections when using map and compactMap, then publishers that we can flatten nested publishers with flatMap. Let's look at an example:

[1, 2, 3].publisher.flatMap({ int in
  return (0..<int).publisher
  }).sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { value in
    print("value: \(value)")

The preceding example takes a list of publishers and transforms each emitted value into another publisher. When you run this code, you'll see the following output:

value: 0
value: 0
value: 1
value: 0
value: 1
value: 2

When you use flatMap in a scenario like this, all nested publishers are squashed and converted to a single publisher that outputs the values from all nested publishers, making it look like a single publisher. The example I just showed you isn't particularly useful on its own, but we'll use flatMap some more in the next section when we manipulate how often a publisher outputs values.

It's also possible to limit the number of "active" publishers that you flatMap over. Since publishers emit values over time, they are not necessarily completed immediately like they are in the preceding code. If this is the case, you could accumulate quite some publishers over time as values keep coming in, and as they continue to be transformed into new publishers. Sometimes this is okay, other times, you only want to have a certain amount of active publishers. If this is something you need in your app, you can use flatMap(maxPublishers:) instead of the normal flatMap. Using flatMap(maxPublishers:) makes sure that you only have a fixed number of publishers active. Once one of the publishers created by flatMap completes, the source publisher is asked for the next value which will then also be mapped into a publisher. Note that flatMap does not drop earlier, active publishers. Instead, the publisher will wait for active publishers to finish before creating new ones. The following code shows an example of flatMap(maxPublishers:) in use.

  .flatMap(maxPublishers: .max(1)) { url in
    return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)

The preceding code shows an example where a publisher that emits URLs over time and transforms each emitted URL into a data task publisher. Because maxPublishers is set to .max(1), only one data task publisher can be active at a time. The publisher can choose whether it drops or accumulates generated URLs while flatMap isn't ready to receive them yet. A similar effect can be achieved using map and the switchToLatest operator, except this operator ditches the older publishers in favor of the latest one.

  .map { url in
    return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)

The map in the preceding code transforms URLs into data task publishers, and by applying switchToLatest to the output of this map, any subscribers will only receive values emitted by the lastest publisher that was output by map. This means if aPublisherThatEmitsURLs would emit several URLs in a row, we'd only receive the result of the last emitted URL.

In summary

In today's post, I showed you how you can apply transformations to the output of a certain publisher to make it better suited for your needs. You saw how you can transform individual values into new values, and how you can transform incoming values to a new publisher and flatten the output with flatMap or switchToLatest.

If you want to learn more about Combine, make sure to check out the category page for my Combine series. If you have any questions about Combine, or if you have feedback for me make sure to reach out to me on Twitter.

Updating UI with assign(to:on:) in Combine

So far in my series of posts about Combine, we have focussed on processing values and publishing them. In all of these posts, I used the sink method to subscribe to publishers and to handle their results. Today I would like to show you a different kind of built-in subscriber; assign(to:on:). This subscriber is perfect for subscribing to publishers and updating your UI in response to new values. In this post, I will show you how to use this subscriber, and I will show you how to avoid memory issues when using assign(to:on:).

Using assign(to:on:) in your code

If you've been following along with previous posts, you should at least have a basic understanding of publishers and how you subscribe to them. If you haven't and aren't sure how publishers and subscribers work, I would recommend reading the following posts before coming back to this one:

If you subscribe to a publisher using sink, and you want to update your UI in response to changes to a certain property you might write something like the following code:

class CarViewController: UIViewController {
  let car = Car()
  let label = UILabel()

  var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

  func subscribeToCarCharge() {
    car.$kwhInBattery.sink(receiveValue: { charge in
      self.label.text = "Car's charge is \(charge)"
    }).store(in: &cancellables)

  // more VC code...

This code should look familiar if you've read my post about publishing property changes in Combine. If you haven't, all you really need to know is that car.$kwhInBattery is a publisher that publishes a double value that represents a car's battery charge.

Note that we're using AnyCancellable's store(in:) method to retain the AnyCancellable that is returned by sink to avoid it from getting deallocated and tearing down the subscription as soon as as subscribeToCarCharge finishes executing.

All in all the above code should look familiar and it's quite effective. But what if I told you that there was a slightly nicer way to do this using assign(to:on:) instead of sink:

func subscribeToCarCharge() {
    .map { "Car's charge is \($0)" }
    .assign(to: \.text, on: label)
    .store(in: &cancellables)

The preceding code isn't much shorter, but it definitely is more declarative. It communicates that we want to map the Double that is provided by $kwhInBattery into a String, and that we want to assign that string to the text property on label. The assign(to:on:) method returns an AnyCancellable, just like sink. So we need to retain it to make sure it doesn't get deallocated.

Using assign(to:on:) becomes very interesting if you use an architecture where your model prepares data for your view in a way where no further processing is required, like MVVM:

struct CarViewModel {
  private let car = Car()

  let chargeRemainingText: AnyPublisher<String?, Never>

  init() {
    chargeRemainingText = car.$ {
      "Car's charge is \($0)"

class CarViewController: UIViewController {
  let viewModel = CarViewModel()
  let label = UILabel()

  var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

    func subscribeToCarCharge() {
        .assign(to: \.text, on: label)
        .store(in: &cancellables)

  // More VC code...

In the preceding example, all mapping is done by the ViewModel and the label can be subscribed to the chargeRemainingText publisher directly. Note that we need to convert chargeRemainingText to AnyPublisher because it's type would be Publishers.Map<Published<Double>.Publisher, String> if we didn't. With all of the above examples, you should now be able to begin using assign(to:on:) where it makes sense.

Avoiding retains cycles when using assign(to:on:)

While I was experimenting with assign(to:on:) I found out that there are cases where it might cause retain cycles. Here's an example where that might occur:

var subscription: AnyCancellable?

func subscribeToCarCharge() {
  subscription = viewModel.chargeRemainingText
    .assign(to: \.label.text, on: self)

The code above uses self as the target for the assignment, while self also holds on to the AnyCancellable that is returned by assign(to:on:). At this time there isn't much you can do other than implementing a workaround, or avoiding assignment to self. I personally hope this is a bug in Combine and that a future release will fix this leak.

In summary

Today you learned about Combine's assign(to:on:) subscriber. You saw that it's a special kind of subscriber that allows you to easily take values that are published by a publisher, and assign them to a property on one of your UI elements, or any other property on any other object for that matter.

You also saw that there are some considerations to keep in mind when using assign(to:on:), for example when you use it to assign a property on self.

If you have any questions about this post, or if you have feedback for me. Please reach out on Twitter.

Publishing property changes in Combine

In Combine, everything is considered a stream of values that are emitted over time. This means that sometimes a publisher can publish many values, and other times it publishes only a single value. And other times it errors and publishes no values at all. When your UI has to respond to changing data, or if you want to update your UI in response to a user's actions, you might consider the data and user input to both be streams of values. When we looked at networking in my previous post, it was possible to use a built-in publisher that is specialized for networking. In my introduction to Combine I showed you that you can subscribe to NotificationCenter notifications using another dedicated publisher.

There are no dedicated publishers for your own objects and properties. There are, however, publishers that allow you to publish objects of a certain type at will. These publishers are the PassthroughSubject and CurrentValueSubject publishers. Both of these publishers allow you to push values at will, but they have slightly different use cases.

Using a PassthroughSubject to publish values

The PassthroughSubject publisher is used to send values to subscribers when they become available. It doesn't have a sense of state. This means that there is no current value, a PassthroughSubject will pretty much take what you want to send on one end, and it comes out the other. Let's look at an example:

var stringSubject = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
stringSubject.sink(receiveValue: { value in
  print("Received value: \(value)")

stringSubject.send("Hello") // prints: Received value: Hello
stringSubject.send("World") // prints: Received value: World

A publisher like this useful to send temporal information, like events. For example, I think that it's likely that the built-in NotificationCenter publisher is implemented as PassthroughSubject. Let me show you an example:

let notificationSubject = PassthroughSubject<Notification, Never>()

let notificationName = Notification.Name("MyNotification")
let center = NotificationCenter.default
center.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: nil, queue: nil) { notification in

notificationSubject.sink(receiveValue: { notification in
  print("received notification: \(notification)")
}) notificationName, object: nil, userInfo: ["Hello": "World!"])

In this code snippet, I created a PassthroughSubject that publishes Notification objects. I added an observer to the default NotificationCenter. In the closure that is executed for that observer when a notification is received, I tell my PassthroughSubject to send the received notification object to its subscribers. Because I used sink to subscribe to the PassthroughSubject that I created, I will then receive any notifications that are posted after I subscribed to the PassthroughSubject. Because a PassthroughSubject doesn't expose any state, I don't have access to old notifications. Do you see why I think it's likely that Apple used a PassthroughSubject or something similar to implement the built-in NotificationCenter publisher?

Using a CurrentValueSubject to publish values

In many cases where you have a model that's used to drive your UI, you are interested in a concept of state. The model has a current value. It might be a default value or a user-provided value, but there always is a value. Let's consider the following simple example:

class Car {
  var kwhInBattery = 50.0
  let kwhPerKilometer = 0.14

  func drive(kilometers: Double) {
    var kwhNeeded = kilometers * kwhPerKilometer

    assert(kwhNeeded <= kwhInBattery, "Can't make trip, not enough charge in battery")

    kwhInBattery -= kwhNeeded

The model in this example is a Car. It's an EV as you might notice by the kwhInBattery property. The battery charge is something we might want to visualize in an app. This property has state, or a current value, and this state changes over time. The battery level drains as we drive and (even though it's not implemented in this example) the battery level goes up as it charges. When you visualize this in a UI, you will want to get whatever the current value is, and then be notified of any subsequent changes. In the previous section, I showed you that a PassthroughSubject can only do the latter; it sends values to its subscribers on-demand without any sense of state or history. A CurrentValueSubject does have this sense of state. So when you subscribe to a CurrentValueSubject, you immediately get the current value of that subject, and you are notified when subsequent changes happen. Let's see this in action:

class Car {
  var kwhInBattery = CurrentValueSubject<Double, Never>(50.0)
  let kwhPerKilometer = 0.14

  func drive(kilometers: Double) {
    var kwhNeeded = kilometers * kwhPerKilometer

    assert(kwhNeeded <= kwhInBattery.value, "Can't make trip, not enough charge in battery")

    kwhInBattery.value -= kwhNeeded

let car = Car()

car.kwhInBattery.sink(receiveValue: { currentKwh in
  print("battery has \(currentKwh) remaining")
}) 200)

First, notice that we create the CurrentValueSubject with an initial value of 50.0. This will be the default value that is sent to any new subscribers before the CurrentValueSubject is mutated. Also notice that inside of the drive(kilometers:) method, we can get the current value of kwhInBattery by accessing its value property. This is something we cannot do with a PassthroughSubject. When mutating the CurrentValueSubject, we can change its value and this will automatically cause the publisher to send a new value.

The example above subscribes to the CurrentValueSubject before we call 200). This means that we will receive a value of 50.0 immediately after subscribing because that is the current value, and we receive a value of 21.999 after driving because the kwhInBattery value has changed. The CurrentValueSubject publisher is very useful for stateful, mutable properties like this because we can be sure that we can always get a current value to show in our UI.

Using @Published to publish values

If you've dabbled with SwiftUI a little bit, there's a good chance you've come across the @Published property wrapper. This property wrapper is a convenient way to create a publisher that behaves a lot like a CurrentValueSubject with one restriction. You can only mark properties of classes as @Published. The reason for this is that the @Published property wrapper needs to create a proxy between the value you're mutating, the object that holds the property and the publisher that is created inside of the property wrapper. This can only work well with reference types because if you'd try this with a struct you would just end up with a bunch of copies that exist on their own rather than pointing to the same object like a reference type does. So, if we have a class, we can often replace CurrentValueSubject instances with @Published properties. Let's see this in action on the Car model I created in the previous section:

class Car {
  @Published var kwhInBattery = 50.0
  let kwhPerKilometer = 0.14

  func drive(kilometers: Double) {
    var kwhNeeded = kilometers * kwhPerKilometer

    assert(kwhNeeded <= kwhInBattery, "Can't make trip, not enough charge in battery")

    kwhInBattery -= kwhNeeded

let car = Car()

car.$kwhInBattery.sink(receiveValue: { currentKwh in
  print("battery has \(currentKwh) remaining")

The @Published property wrapper allows us to access the kwhInBattery property directly like we normally would. To subscribe to the publisher that is created by the @Published property wrapper, we need to prefix the wrapped property name with a $. So in this case car.$kwhInBattery. When possible, I think it looks slightly nicer to use @Published over kwhInBattery because it's easier to access the current value of the publisher.

In Summary

In today's post, I showed you how you can transform existing properties in your code into publishers using CurrentValueSubject, PassthroughSubject and even the @Published property wrapper. You learned the differences, possibilities, and limitations of each publisher. You saw that @Published is similar to CurrentValueSubject but it's limited to being used in classes. You also learned that PassthroughSubject only forwards values with keeping any kind of state while CurrentValueSubject and @Published do have a sense of state.

With this knowledge, you should be able to begin using Combine in your projects quite effectively. What's really nice about Combine is that you don't have to integrate it into your project all at once. You can ease your way into using Combine by applying it to small parts of your code first. If you have any questions about this post, or if you have feedback for me, don't hesitate to reach out on Twitter.

Debugging network traffic with Charles

When you perform a URL Request in your app, you typically configure the request in your code and when it's all set up you pass it off to a URLSession data task, and the request should succeed if everything goes as expected. When the request is misconfigured, the server will hopefully return a useful error and you can fix your code accordingly. There are times, however, where the server does not give the information you need. Or your requests succeed but your results are not quite what you expect. It's times like these when I really wish that there was an easy way to see exactly what data my app is sending to the server and, equally important, what the server is sending to my app.

Unfortunately, there is no tool built-in on iOS that helps developers to inspect the details of their network calls. This does not mean that all hope is lost. There are third-party tools available that can proxy network traffic, allowing you to inspect exactly what data is transmitted over the proverbial wire. Today, I would like to quickly show you how you can use a tool called Charles proxy to inspect network traffic from both the simulator and your device.

Installing and configuring Charles

The first step to using Charles is, of course, installing it. You can download Charles right here on its product page. Charles is a paid tool, it costs $50 for a single license and (unfortunately) I don't have any promo codes for you, nor am I affiliated to Charles in any way. So this is in no way a promotional post where I try to get you to buy Charles for my own gains. This really is a tool that I use almost every day, and it has helped me inspect network traffic for my apps for several years now. If this tool can save you two hours of debugging over its lifetime, it's absolutely worth the $50 in my opinion. But that's just my opinion.

If you started your download at the start of the previous paragraph and read the whole bit after the download link, the download is hopefully completed by now. Follow the installation instructions (open the dmg and drag the app to your Applications folder), and launch the app. Upon its first launch, Charles will ask whether it configure your networking settings automatically. I'm not entirely sure what Charles does when you click "Grant privileges" but I personally have this setting enabled after consulting with some people I trust. This setting is not required to use Charles so you can safely click "Not Yet".

When Charles launches, you should immediately see network traffic appear as shown in the screenshot below.

Initial network traffic in Charles

A lot of the traffic that's shown will have locks displayed in front of it because it's encrypted using SSL. The origin of this traffic is your Mac. You can turn off Charles' macOS proxy in the Proxy menu, or by pressing cmd+shift+P. There is no further setup needed at this time, let's see how you can use Charles with the iOS simulator.

Using Charles with the simulator

To use Charles with the iOS simulator, you need to install Charles' certificates in the simulator. You need these certificates in order for Charles to be able to proxy the simulator's networking traffic through its interface. You can install the simulator certificates through Charles' help menu as shown in the following screenshot:

Installing root certificates for the simulator from the help menu

After installing the Charles root certificate in the iOS simulator, you can open Xcode and run your app in the simulator. Note that you must have the macOS proxy active for Charles to route the simulator's network traffic through its proxy. When you run your app, you should see your app's network traffic appear in Charles' structure list. Note that any https resource will be obfuscated as indicated by the lock icon before the hostname. This isn't great if we want to debug an endpoint that uses SSL so let's see how we can fix that next.

Help! My simulator traffic is not showing up in Charles after installing the certificates
Charles can be a little finicky when you initially set it up. When I encounter this problem on a new simulator or a fresh install of Charles I usually close Charles after installing the certificates while the simulator is open, then once the certificates are installed, I also close the simulator. When both are closes I relaunch Charles, and when Charles is launch, I relaunch the simulator. This usually fixes the problem. If it doesn't a full reboot of your machine and retrying might help too.

Enable SSL proxying in Charles

To enable SSL proxying in Charles, we need to configure Charles so that it attempts to proxy specific hosts (wildcards are allowed). This is great for debugging but if you try to proxy hosts you don't own for apps you don't own, those apps might function in ways you didn't expect. This is especially true if the apps that you're proxying traffic for use SSL pinning which is a technique to enforce the integrity of an SSL certificate at the application level. To enable SSL proxying in Charles, go to the Proxy menu and select SSL Proxying Settings or press cmd+shift+L. If you want to proxy all traffic, specify * as the hostname and leave the port field empty.

Wildcard SSL proxy settings

If you run your app again, you should see multiple hosts with a globe or other non-lock icon in front of them. It's likely that you're not interested in most of this traffic. You can use the filter option at the bottom of the sidebar to filter hosts you're interested in, or you can right-click on a host and select Focus. Selecting this will split your Structure view in the hosts you want to focus on and "Other hosts".

Inspecting the contents of a request and response

When you drill down into a hostname and select one of the files that were downloaded, Charles' detail view will show you details about a request. If you select the Contents tab, you can inspect the request's headers, HTTP body, and the server's response.

Example of network call details

The top section of the detail view contains information about your request. In the screenshot above I made the request headers visible, the Raw option in the middle of the screen would display a raw version of the request. The response information is displayed at the bottom. Because this request loaded a JSON file we get several options to view the JSON file structure and more. We can also inspect response headers and the raw request body.

All of this information can be extremely valuable if you want to verify whether you are sending the correct headers or parameters to a server, or if you want to verify that the response you're receiving from a server is the response you were expecting.

Using Charles with a real device

Running Charles on a simulator is nice, but sometimes you might want to run your device's network traffic through Charles to debug your app. You can do this by proxying your device through your machine and then installing the Charles root certificate on your device. To do this, go to the Help menu and select the appropriate option from the SSL Proxying menu as shown in the following screenshot:

Help menu with install root certificate in remote browser or device selected

Clicking this option will show you the IP address to proxy your devices through, and instructions to install the Charles root certificate on your device.

Charles proxy instructions for device

To proxy your device's traffic through your mac, make sure both devices are on the same network and tap the little i button next to the WiFi network you're connected to on your device. In the menu that appears, scroll down and select the proxy menu item. Configure the proxy manually and use the settings that are shown in the dialog that Charles presented in the previous step. Your settings should look a bit like those in the following screenshot.

Proxy settings

After setting up your device proxy, follow the instructions provided by Charles in the dialog that appeared earlier. Once completed, Charles should ask for permission to route traffic from your device through its proxy. Accept this, and traffic should immediately start to appear in Charles. When you're done debugging, don't forget to disable the proxy on your device or it won't be able to access the internet if Charles isn't running.

In summary

In today's tip, you learned how you can use Charles proxy to inspect and debug network traffic that goes on in your app. Being able to debug network calls is an essential skill in the toolbox of any iOS developer and I'm planning to write more advanced posts about Charles' capabilities in the future. Because it truly is a powerhouse.

For now, I wish you happy debugging sessions and don't hesitate to shoot me a message on Twitter if you have any questions about debugging your network calls.