
Working with dates and Codable in Swift

Published on: February 29, 2024

When you’re decoding JSON, you’ll run into situations where you’ll have to decode dates every once in a while. Most commonly you’ll probably be dealing with dates that conform to the ISO-8601 standard but there’s also a good chance that you’ll have to deal with different date formats. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can leverage some of Swift’s built-in date formats for en- and decoding data as well as providing your own date format. We’ll look at some of the up- and downsides of how Swift decodes dates, and how we can possibly work around...


Splitting a JSON object into an enum and an associated object with Codable

Published on: April 5, 2021

Decoding data, like JSON, is often relatively straightforward. For a lot of use cases, you won't need to know or understand a lot more than what I explain in this post. However, sometimes you need to dive deeper into Codable, and you end up writing custom encoding or decoding logic like I explain in this post. In more advanced scenarios, you might need to have an extremely flexible approach to decoding data. For example, you might want to decode your data into an enum that has an associated value depending on one or more properties that exist in your JSON...


Writing custom JSON encoding and decoding logic

Published on: April 5, 2021

The default behavior for Codable is often good enough, especially when you combine this with custom CodingKeys, it's possible to encode and decode a wide variety of JSON data without any extra work. Unfortunately, there are a lot of situations where you'll need to have even more control. The reasons for needing this control are varied. You might want to flatten a deeply nested JSON structure into a single Codable object. Or maybe you want to assign a default value to a property if it's not possible to extract this value from the received JSON data. Or maybe you want...


Customizing how Codable objects map to JSON data

Published on: April 5, 2021

In the introductory post for this series you learned the basics of decoding and encoding JSON to and from your Swift structs. In that post, you learned that your JSON object is essentially a dictionary, and that the JSON's dictionary key's are mapped to your Swift object's properties. When encoding, your Swift properties are used as keys in the encoded JSON output dictionary. Unfortunately, we don't always have the luxury of a 1 to 1 mapping between JSON and our Swift objects. For example, the JSON you're working with might use snake case (snake_case) instead of camel case (camelCase) for...


An introduction to JSON parsing in Swift

Published on: April 5, 2021

Virtually every modern application needs some way to retrieve, and use, data from a remote source. This data is commonly fetched by making a network request to a webserver that returns data in a JSON format. When you're working with Javascript, this JSON data can be easily decoded into a Javascript object. Javascript doesn't have strong typing, so a JSON object in Javascript is really just a JavaScript Object. Objects in Javascript are very comparable to dictionaries in Swift, except they aren't strongly typed and they have a couple of extra features. But that's way beyond what I want to...


Flattening a nested JSON response into a single struct with Codable

Published on: April 4, 2021

Often, you'll want you Swift models to resemble JSON that's produced by an external source, like a server, as closely as possible. However, there are times when the JSON you receive is nested several levels deep and you might not consider this appropriate or needed for your application. Or maybe you're only interested in a couple of fields from the JSON response and these fields are hidden several levels deep in the JSON that's returned by a server. In this post I'll show you how you can use nested containers to decode nested JSON data into a flat struct with...


Using Codable with Core Data and NSManagedObject

Published on: August 3, 2020

If you've ever wanted to decode a bunch of JSON data into NSManagedObject instances you've probably noticed that this isn't a straightforward exercise. With plain structs, you can conform your struct to Codable and you convert the struct from and to JSON data automatically. For an NSManagedObject subclass it's not that easy. If your Core Data data model is configured to automatically generate your entity class definitions for you (which is the default), you may have tried to write the following code to conform your managed object to Decodable: extension MyManagedObject: Decodable { } If you do this, the compiler...


Creating type-safe identifiers for your Codable models

Published on: May 4, 2020

Note: After publishing this article, it has been brought to my attention that the folks from @pointfreeco have a very similar solution for the problems I outline in this post. It's called tagged and implements the same features I cover in this post with several useful extensions. If you like this post and plan to use the concepts I describe, you should take a look at tagged. It seems that on the Swift forums, there are a couple of topics that come up regularly. One of these topics is the newtype for Swift discussion. Last week, I saw a new...


Reading and writing Property List files with Codable in Swift

Published on: March 4, 2020

You have probably seen and used a property list file at some point in your iOS journey. I know you have because every iOS app has an Info.plist file. It's possible to create and store your own .plist files to hold on to certain data, like user preferences that you don't want to store in UserDefaults for any reason at all. In this week's Quick Tip you will learn how you can read and write data from and to property list files using Swift's Codable protocol. Defining a model that can be stored in a property list Because Swift has...