Swift concurrency

Using Swift Concurrency’s task group for tasks with varying output

Published on: August 9, 2021

Earlier, I published a post on Swift Concurrency's task groups. If you haven't read that post yet, and you're not familiar with task groups, I recommend that you read that post first because I won't be explaining task groups in this post. Instead, you will learn about a technique that you can use to work around a limitation of task groups. Task groups can run a number of child tasks where every child task in the task group produces the same output. This is a hard requirement of the withTaskGroup function. This means that task groups are not the right...


How to use async let in Swift?

Published on: August 9, 2021

In last week's post, I demonstrated how you can use a task group in Swift to concurrently run multiple tasks that produce the same output. This is useful when you're loading a bunch of images, or in any other case where you have a potentially undefined number of tasks to run, as long as you (somehow) make sure that every task in your group produces the same output. Unfortunately, this isn't always a reasonable thing to do. For example, you might already know that you only have a very limited, predetermined, number of tasks that you want to run. These...


Swift Concurrency’s TaskGroup explained

Published on: August 5, 2021

With Apple's overhaul of how concurrency will work in Swift 5.5 and newer, we need to learn a lot of things from scratch. While we might have used DispatchQueue.async or other mechanisms to kick off multiple asynchronous tasks in the past, we shouldn't use these older concurrency tools in Swift's new concurrency model. Luckily, Swift Concurrency comes with many features already which means that for a lot of our old uses cases, a new paradigm exists. In this post, you will learn what Swift Concurrency's task groups are, and how you can use them to concurrently perform a lot of...


What are Swift Concurrency’s task local values?

Published on: June 22, 2021

If you've been following along with Swift Concurrency in the past few weeks, you might have come across the term "task local values". Task local values are, like the name suggests, values that are scoped to a certain task. These values are only available within the context they're scoped to, and they are really only supposed to be used in a handful of use cases. In this post, I will explain what task local are, and more importantly I will explain how and when they are useful. For a full rundown of task local values and their design I'd like...


Preventing data races with Swift’s Actors

Published on: June 14, 2021

We all know that async / await was one of this year’s big announcements WWDC. It completely changes the way we interact with concurrent code. Instead of using completion handlers, we can await results in a non-blocking way. More importantly, with the new Swift Concurrency features, our Swift code is much safer and consistent than ever before. For example, the Swift team built a revised threading model that ensures your program doesn’t spawn more threads than there are CPU cores to avoid thread explosion. This is a huge difference from GCD where every call to async would spawn a new...


WWDC Notes: Protect mutable state with Swift actors

Published on: June 8, 2021

Data races make concurrency hard. They occur when two threads access the same data and at least one of them is a write. It’s trivial to write a data race, but it’s really hard to debug. Data races aren’t always clear, aren’t always reproducible, and might not always manifest in the same way. Shared mutable state is needed for a data race to occur. Value types don’t suffer from data races due to the way they work; they’re copied. When you pass an array around, copies are created. This is due to array’s value semantics. Even an object that’s a...