
Designing APIs with typed throws in Swift

Published on: February 22, 2024

When Swift 2.0 added the throws keyword to the language, folks were somewhat divided on its usefulness. Some people preferred designing their APIs with an (at the time) unofficial implementation of the Result type because that worked with both regular and callback based functions. However, the language feature got adopted and a new complaint came up regularly. The way throws in Swift was designed didn’t allow developers to specify the types of errors that a function could throw. In every do {} catch {} block we write we have to assume and account for any object that conforms to the...


How to determine where tasks and async functions run in Swift?

Published on: February 16, 2024

Swift’s current concurrency model leverages tasks to encapsulate the asynchronous work that you’d like to perform. I wrote about the different kinds of tasks we have in Swift in the past. You can take a look at that post here. In this post, I’d like to explore the rules that Swift applies when it determines where your tasks and functions run. More specifically, I’d like to explore how we can determine whether a task or function will run on the main actor or not. We’ll start this post by very briefly looking at tasks and how we can determine where...


Getting started with @Observable in SwiftUI

Published on: February 6, 2024

With iOS 17, we’ve gained a new way to provide observable data to our SwiftUI views. Until iOS 17, we’d use either an ObservableObject with @StateObject, @ObservedObject, or @EnvironmentObject whenever we had a reference type that we wanted to observe in one of our SwiftUI views. For lots of apps this worked absolutely fine, but these objects have a dependency on the Combine framework (which in my opinion isn’t a big deal), and they made it really hard for developers to limit which properties a view would observe. In iOS 17, we gained the new @Observable macro. I wrote about...


Writing code that makes mistakes harder

Published on: January 25, 2024

As we work on projects, we usually add more code than we remove. At least that’s how things are at the beginning of our project. While our project grows, the needs of the codebase change, and we start refactoring things. One thing that’s often quite hard to get exactly right when coding is the kinds of abstractions and design patterns we actually need. In this post, I would like to explore a mechanism that I like to leverage to make sure my code is robust without actually worrying too much about abstractions and design patterns in the first place. We’ll...


What’s the difference between @Binding and @Bindable

Published on: June 10, 2023

With iOS 17, macOS Sonoma and the other OSses from this year's generation, Apple has made a couple of changes to how we work with data in SwiftUI. Mainly, Apple has introduced a Combine-free version of @ObservableObject and @StateObject which takes the shape of the @Observable macro which is part of a new package called Observation. One interesting addition is the @Bindable property wrapper. This property wrapper co-exists with @Binding in SwiftUI, and they cooperate to allow developers to create bindings to properties of observable classes. So what's the role of each of these property wrappers? What makes them different...


What’s the difference between Macros and property wrappers?

Published on: June 6, 2023

With Swift 5.9 and Xcode 15, we have the ability to leverage Macros in Swift. Macros can either be written with at @ prefix or with a # prefix, depending on where they're being used. If you want to see some examples of Macros in Swift, you can take a look at this repository that sheds some light on both usage and structure of Macros. When we look at Macros in action, they can look a lot like property wrappers: @CustomCodable struct CustomCodableString: Codable { @CodableKey(name: "OtherName") var propertyWithOtherName: String var propertyWithSameName: Bool func randomFunction() { } } The example...


Iterating over web socket messages with async / await in Swift

Published on: January 24, 2023

In iOS 13, we gained the ability to easily send and receive data using web sockets through URLSession. With async/await, we gained the ability to fetch data from servers using the await keyword and we can iterate over asynchronous sequences using async for loops. We can even read data from a URL one line at a time by calling the lines property on URL: let url = URL(string: "https://donnywals.com")! for try await line in url.lines { // use line } While this is really cool and allows us to build apps that ingest data in real time if the server...


What are primary associated types in Swift 5.7?

Published on: June 8, 2022

Swift 5.7 introduces many new features that involve generics and protocols. In this post, we're going to explore an extremely powerful new features that's called "primary associated types". By the end of this post you will know and understand what primary associated types are, and why I think they are extremely important and powerful to help you write better code. If your familiar with Swift 5.6 or earlier, you might know that protocols with associated types have always been somewhat of an interesting beast. They were hard to use sometimes, and before Swift 5.1 we would always have to resort...


What’s the difference between any and some in Swift?

Published on: June 8, 2022

Protocols are an extremely important part in the Swift language, and in recent updates we've received some new capabilities around protocol and generics that allow us to be much more intentional about how we use protocols in our code. This is done through the any and some keywords. In this post, you will learn everything you need to know about the similarities and differences between these two keywords. We'll start with an introduction of each keyword, and then you'll learn a bit more about the problems each keyword solves, and how you can decide whether you should use some or...


Formatting dates in Swift using Date.FormatStyle on iOS 15

Published on: May 27, 2022

Working with dates isn’t easy. And showing them to your users in the correct locale hasn’t always been easy either. With iOS 15, Apple introduced a new way to convert Date objects from and to String. This new way comes in the form of the new Formatter api that replaces DateFormatter. As any seasoned iOS developer will tell you, DateFormatter objects are expensive to create, and therefor kind of tedious to manage correctly. With the new Formatter api, we no longer need to work with DateFormatter. Instead, we can ask a date to format itself based on our requirements in...