
Handling deeplinks in iOS 14 with onOpenURL

Published on: July 6, 2020

Starting with iOS 14, we can write apps that are fully built using SwiftUI, dropping the need to have AppDelegate and SceneDelegate files entirely. For as long as I remember, I've handled deeplinks in my AppDelegate and for the past year in the SceneDelegate. So when Apple introduced developers to this new @main annotated App struct style of building apps, I'm sure we all had the same question on our mind. How does the new App struct work with deeplinks and other tasks that are normally performed in the AppDelegate? Luckily, Apple engineers made sure that handling deeplinks in our...


Implementing an infinite scrolling list with SwiftUI and Combine

Published on: June 29, 2020

Tons of apps that we build feature lists. Sometimes we build lists of settings, lists of todo items, lists of our favorite pictures, lists of tweets, and many other things. Some of these lists could scroll almost endlessly. Think of a Twitter timeline, a Facebook feed or a list of posts on Reddit. You might argue that knowing how to build a list that scrolls infinitely and fetches new content whenever a user reaches the end of the list is an essential skill of any iOS developer. That's why as one of my first posts that covers SwiftUI I wanted...


Using multi-colored icons in iOS 14 with SF Symbols 2

Published on: June 28, 2020

Apple introduced SF Symbols in iOS 13. SF Symbols allow developers to easily integrate icons in their apps. The SF Symbols icons integrate really well with the default system font, and provide a consistent look throughout the system. In iOS 14, Apple added over 750 new icons to the SF Symbols library for developers to use in their apps. Additionally, Apple has expanded SF Symbols to include multi-colored icons. For a full overview of the available SF Symbols that are available, including the newly added and multicolor symbols, download the SF Symbols 2 app from Apple's SF Symbols page. To...


What’s the difference between @StateObject and @ObservedObject?

Published on: June 23, 2020

Views in SwiftUI are thrown away and recreated regularly. When this happens, the entire view struct is initialized all over again. Because of this, any values that you create in a SwiftUI view are reset to their default values unless you've marked these values using @State. This means that if you declare a view that creates its own @ObservedObject instance, that instance is replaced every time SwiftUI decides that it needs to discard and redraw that view. If you want to see what I mean, try running the following SwiftUI view: class DataSource: ObservableObject { @Published var counter = 0...


Using custom publishers to drive SwiftUI views

Published on: June 23, 2020

In SwiftUI, views can be driven by an @Published property that's part of an ObservableObject. If you've used SwiftUI and @Published before, following code should look somewhat familiar to you: class DataSource: ObservableObject { @Published var names = [String]() } struct NamesList: View { @ObservedObject var dataSource: DataSource var body: some View { List(dataSource.names, id: \.self) { name in Text(name) } } } Whenever the DataSource object's names array changes, NamesList will be automatically redrawn. That's great. Now imagine that our list of names is retrieved through the network somehow and we want to load the list of names in...