How to add accessories to a UICollectionViewListCell?

Published on: June 24, 2020

In iOS 14 Apple added the ability for developers to create collection views that look and feel like table views, except they are far, far more powerful. To do this, Apple introduced a new UICollectionViewCell subclass called UICollectionViewListCell. This new cell class allows us to implement several tableviewcell-like principles, including accessories.

Adding accessories to a cell is done by assigning an array of UICellAccessory items to a UICollectionViewListCell's accessories property. For example, to make a UICollectionViewListCell show a disclosure indicator that makes it clear to a user that they will see more content if they tapp a cell, you would use the following code:

listCell.accessories = [.disclosureIndicator()]

You set a cell's accessories in either the cellForItemAt UICollectionViewDataSource method or in your CellRegistration closure.

Apple has added a whole bunch of accessories that you can add to your cells. For example checkmark to to show the checkmark symbol that you might know from UITableView, .delete to indicate that a user can delete a cell, .reorder to show a reorder control, and more.

You have full control over when certain accessories are displayed and their color. For example, a reorder control is normally only visible when a collection view is in edit mode. To make it always visible, and make it orange instead of gray you'd use the following code:

cell.accessories = [.reorder(displayed: .always, options: .init(tintColor: .orange, showsVerticalSeparator: false))]

Every accessory has its own options object with different parameters. Refer to the documentation to see the configuration options for accessories you're interested in.


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