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Find every other element in an array with Swift

Published on: June 30, 2015

There are times when you need to extract a subset of an array. For example, you might need to find all elements in an array at an odd index. Or maybe you need all items at an even index. In other words, you're looking for every "other" element in an array. This might seem like a non-trivial task and you may have tried this before using a for loop as follows: var itemsAtEvenIndices = [Int]() let allItems = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] var index = 0 for item in allItems { if index % 2 == 0...


Exploring protocols and protocol extensions in Swift

Published on: June 29, 2015

In 2015 Apple announced Protocol extensions at WWDC and went on to explain the idea of Protocol Oriented Programming (video here), I think every iOS developer got really exited when they saw this. The ability to add default implementations to protocol methods through extensions makes it seem like everything we will ever build can and should be protocol based instead of inheritance based like we do in classical OOP. In this post, we'll explore protocols and protocol extensions to see what we can make them do. Taking advantage of Protocols today To take advantage of the awesomeness of Protocols we...


Icon fonts vs. svg icons

Published on: April 16, 2015

We can all agree that using png sprites for icons is not the most modern (or best) way to present icons on the web. Png is a rasterized format which means that if you try to make the image (or icon) larger, the quality will become worse. When browsers started properly supporting @font-face and svg some people chose to use icon fonts to serve their icons, others chose svg sprites to do this. These methods share the big benefit of scalability. This matters because our websites get viewed on many devices and you want your icons to be crisp on every...


How to choose between rem and em

Published on: April 12, 2015

A few days ago I found this article that argues for using rem units when defining font sizes. Generally speaking this is good advice. The rem comes with great predictable behavior, just like pixels do. But the rem also comes with accessibility advantages. When a user changes the font size in their browser settings, the rem and em unit will both respect that and resize accordingly while the pixel unit doesn't. That's great news for the user. But how do you choose between rem or em? Time to go in depth on what these units do. First I'll explain how each unit works...


Consistency and discipline over motivation

Published on: April 7, 2015

One of the beautiful things about being a developer is that many of us actually have the opportunity to take an activity we enjoy, and make it our job. Many developers are happy to do some extra work or learn something when they're at home or in the weekend just because they are so eager to learn and play. While this is pretty awesome, it won't last forever. You won't be motivated to learn every single day. Especially once you start doing development as a full-time job. I experience this as well, sometimes I have a couple of days or...


Using Flexbox in the real world

Published on: April 1, 2015

The Flexbox module for css was built with the intent to make a more robust, less hacky way to layout elements on pages. When you're building a webpage you often don't know how high or wide every element could or should be. This can cause problems in certain layouts which lead to ugly hacks. Flexbox solves this widespread layout issue. The module has been in development for quite some time and the W3C gave the spec a "last call working draft" status back in september of 2014. The browser support for this module is very good if you don't have...


Service workers are awesome

Published on: March 29, 2015

In the war between native and web apps there's a few aspects that make a native app superior to a web app. Among these are features like push notifications and offline caching. A native app, once installed, is capable of providing the user with a cache of older content (possibly updated in the background) while it's fetching new, fresh content. This is a great way to avoid loading times for content and it's something that browser vendors tried to solve with cache manifests and AppCache. Everybody who has tried to implement offline caching for their webpages will know that the AppCache manifest files...


Filling in the blanks with calc()

Published on: March 28, 2015

One of the things in css3 that I don't see used very often is the calc() function. Even though this function might not be useful in every scenario it certainly has it's own use cases. In this post I'll try to outline a few of these use cases for you. First, let's start with a quick introduction to the calc() function. What is calc()? Calc()  is a function that was added to css3. It allows you to perform calculations on a certain property value, for example the width, font-size or even the margins of an element can be calc()-ed. The syntax for it is...


Some tips for new front-end developers

Published on: March 23, 2015

You've decided you want to get into front-end development and you've managed to learn a few things. The time has come for you to get some working experience and start growing your career in a beautiful field. I was in that position not so long ago and I noticed that actually having a job and working is a lot different than writing code from the safety of your own environment. So how do you present yourself in a professional way? How do you make sure that you learn as much as you can? Today I want to share some of the...


Death by papercut (why small optimizations matter)

Published on: March 21, 2015

It's not easy to write good code. It's also not easy to optimize code to be as fast as possible. Often times I have found myself refactoring a piece of code multiple times because I could make the code easier to read or perform faster. Sometimes I've achieved both. But when a project would grow larger and larger things would still feel a little slow after a while. For instance, changing something from doing four API calls to six wouldn't matter that much, right? I mean, each call only takes about 10ms and everything is very optimized! This is death by...