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Three simple ways to start a local webserver

Published on: March 20, 2015

When you first start out with web development you're probably opening html files right in your browser. You're probably using relative urls like /styles/style.css  and this is working fine for you. Right up until you're trying to load some files from a remote location and nothing really works anymore. You ask questions online and people tell you "oh just launch a local webserver and use it to access your files". Yeah, easier said that done, right? In this post I will explain three ways to quickly and simply start a local webserver. I'm going to assume you're either using OS X or a...


Mobile-first is a great workflow

Published on: March 18, 2015

One of the first questions a client might ask you when you start talking about his new website site is "Will it be responsive?". And the answer to that question will more often than not be "Yes, it will". Especially now that Google will penalize websites that aren't mobile friendly it's important that you make sure that your site works well on mobile devices. How do you approach responsive webdesign in a good way? Even though I am not a designer I'd say mobile-first. Different approaches to responsive web design When you're doing a responsive webdesign there's a couple of ways...


Don’t depend on javascript to render your page.

Published on: March 14, 2015

Today Christian Heilmann posted this tweet, demonstrating a rather huge delay between page load and javascript execution. This huge delay made the page show things like {{venue.title}} for an awkward amount of time. Once the page has loaded for the first time you can refresh it and the {{venue.title}} won't show. What it does still show, however, is a wrong page header (the venue title is missing) and the font isn't loaded straight away either. So I guess we all agree that there's several things wrong with this page and at least one of them is, in my opinion, completely unnecessary. What's actually...


Automagically load your Gulp plugins

Published on: March 11, 2015

When I first started using gulp I felt that the most annoying thing about it all was that I had to manually require  all my plugins. So on a large project I would get 20 lines of requiring plugins. Soon I was looking for a solution that would allow me to include plugins automatically and thankfully I found one that's extremely easy to use. It's called gulp-load-plugins. Using gulp-load-plugins In order to use gulp-load-plugins you must first install it through npm. Open up a terminal window and type npm install --save-dev gulp-load-plugins if it fails due to permission errors you might have...


Stop writing vendor prefixes, autoprefixer does that for you

Published on: March 10, 2015

Anybody who writes css for the modern web has probably touched vendor prefixes at some point in time. These prefixes are required to get the most out of browsers that are supporting bleeding edge properties in ways that aren't yet part of the css3 spec. When you’re writing these vendor prefixes it’s easy to forget one or two, or maybe you add one that isn't actually required for the browsers that you’re supporting. Of course you can always check out to check the prefixes you need for your use case but that’s something you don’t want to do on...


You should start using Browsersync today.

Published on: March 8, 2015

Seriously, you should. Browsersync is a great tool that allows you to sync your browser on multiple screens. This might not sound that impressive, but in reality it is. It's so impressive that I felt like I needed to make a .gif for you because you otherwise might not get how awesome Browsersync is. The above image shows four different browsers, all of them are acting in sync. I am only interacting with the browser on the top right, the other three are automatically updating through Browsersync. Why should you use it? Personally, I held off trying Browsersync for quite some time. But...


Why I love to write stories while I’m programming

Published on: March 4, 2015

When you program something that involves complex logic it's very easy to jump in head first and start typing away. The first couple of projects I did started like this, they weren't very carefully planned out which meant that requirements would change all the time. This often resulted in buggy code and forgotten features. When I started working with other programmers who were young and inexperienced like I was, I noticed that many of them struggled with the same problems. We would encounter weird bugs all the time and we'd curse those silly users for wanted strange things. The things users...


How to prevent Gulp from crashing all the time

Published on: March 3, 2015

When you're working with Sass and use Gulp to compile your  .scss files it can happen that you introduce an error by accident. You misspell one of your mixins or variables and gulp-sass will throw an error. When this happens your Gulp task crashes and you have to restart it. When I started using Gulp this drove me crazy and I really wanted a solution for this problem. Gulp-plumber The solution I found is called gulp-plumber. This nifty plugin catches stream errors from other plugins and allows you to handle them with a custom handler. You can also let gulp-plumber...


How I improved my workflow with Imagemagick

Published on: February 25, 2015

When working with assets you will often want to change some of them. My personal experience is that I often want to resize images, stitch them together, blur them or convert them from .png to .jpg. When I had to do this I usually sighed, fired up Photoshop, created a batch and then ran everything in my folder through that batch. When I realized I got it wrong I would have to do this again and Photoshop usually crashed at least once in the process as well. Needless to say, I did not enjoy adjusting my assets. Until I didn't...


Getting started with Gulp

Published on: February 15, 2015

Let's talk about tools first Lately I've noticed that many Front-end developers get caught up in tools. Should they use Less, or Sass? Do they code in Sublime or Atom? Or should they pick up Coda 2? What frameworks should they learn? Is Angular worth their time? Or maybe they should go all out on Ember or Backbone. And then any developer will reach that point where they want to actually compile their css, concatenate their javascript and minify them all. So then there is the question, what do I use for that? Well, there's many options for that as...